I'll concede that Sorkin is far more used to working in a 22-ep per season network format, and may not quite know how to do development of plots and characters over a shorter run. Maybe that's a learning curve that'll improve in the second season. In general, though, aren't 13-episode seasons widely preferred by show-runners for creative reasons? You tend to get to cherry-pick the best stories, work over scripts longer, etc. Vince Gilligan's talked a lot about how much not having to fill all that time simplifies their ability to tell the story on "Breaking Bad" versus how he worked on "The X-Files."
As Hitfix.com's Sepinwall and Feinberg pointed out, they spent the whole pilot establishing how she was a hard-boiled producer straight out of a war zone. And then the last half of the season, she was afraid of her own shadow.
Finally got around to the season finale. Have to agree with the above. They made MacKenzie so fucking shrill, the meltdown _ to be more specific, the meltdown after the power went out was just beyond ridiculous. Sorkin sometimes need to get out of his own way. And I don't really give a damn about the Jim-Maggie thing, but the deal with Jim not just "gathering the rose buds while ye may" when they met on the street reminded me of Dana's "you like me Casey? Great, now go date other women for 6 months" bullshit that was really the only weak part about Sports Night. Speaking of which, watching the pilot _ again _ and outside of the laugh track, it remains as fabulous as always.
Oh, look. The annoying chick (not the Exec Producer; the other one) posted a topless picture of herself on Twitter. NSFW. http://gawker.com/5942663/newsroom-star-alison-pill-accidentally-posts-topless-pic-on-twitter-[nsfw]
At least she is taking it in stride and admitted she did it. That said...and I'm no prude...but what's the deal with people taking naked pics of themselves? Do we need to start a thread on this?