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Newt Gingrich, The Ship Be Sinking

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Freelance Hack, Jun 9, 2011.

  1. Uncle.Ruckus

    Uncle.Ruckus Guest

    Please let Newt be the nominee. Pretty please. I'm asking nicely.
  2. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Yeah, that might work out pretty nicely for your side.
  3. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    There is no way this continues. Someone - Rove or somebody like that - is going to absolutely firebomb him pretty soon, Herman Cain-style. It'll make the Perry "N$&$&head" story look like a picnic. They have to. Perhaps the Slate bipolar piece today was the start.
  4. Greenhorn

    Greenhorn Active Member

    I just read the Slate piece too. In other stories I read recently, some GOP insiders really, really don't want a Gingrich presidency: too volatile of a personality. And he wants John Bolton to run State. Yikes.
  5. Flying Headbutt

    Flying Headbutt Moderator Staff Member

    Isn't Mittens dropping a shit ton of dirt on Newt today?
  6. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    The problem was Romney playing the "prevent defense" the whole time.

    He probably never saw Newt coming, and figured he just had to wait out the Bachmann, Perry, and Cain boomlets.

    But, he should have been on FOXNews' evening programs. He should have been on conservative talk radio. he should have been on the Sunday shows.

    He hid, and now it's costing him.

    And, now he's starting to do some interviews.

    The Newt attack has begun though. Coordinated attack to contrast Romney with Newt. Chris Christie emphasized yesterday how he would never have to worry about President Romney doing something that would "embarrass" him. That wasn't aimed at President Obama.

    Surrogates & TV ads are also stressing Romney's marriage and family. That's not a shot at Obama either.
  7. TigerVols

    TigerVols Well-Known Member

    More than 100 GOP Congressmen voted to censure their own Speaker...the first and only time in American history the House Speaker was tarred as such.

    Once America gets to know Newt, he'll flame out just like the rest of them.
  8. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    I agree, YF. Wholeheartedly with your entire post. Particularly about Romney.

    We all gave Palin a ton of shit about avoiding all interviews except friendly ones. Romney doesn't even do those. I understand why he doesn't, but it's time for him to answer for that, just like she had to. I like it, though, that you can't get away with it in the long-term. You can't just hide from having to answer questions and face tough interviewers.
  9. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    Romney was hoping to avoid all that because that stuff hurts in him in the general election as much as it helps him in the primary.

    It's still a good strategy, imo.
  10. Bob Cook

    Bob Cook Active Member

    Apparently Mittens didn't learn from Hillary Clinton that treating your primary as a pre-victory tour to the inevitable doesn't always work out as planned.
  11. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    A good strategy that might be hurting him now.
  12. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    It's a calculated risk. If it blows it up in his face, so be it. That doesn't mean it was the wrong choice.
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