I think this game has shown the Broncos need some more players. Dropped balls, can't stop the run, Payton obviously no faith in much on offense. Just go down two TDs late and run on first and second down. That's not exactly trying to come back. At that point you have to kind of going all out no?
He'll look better with each progressing season under Harbaugh. I'm pretty confident of his ability to build that offense.
At this point, you wonder how bad the Bills injury list will be next week. How many guys had to get walked off the field today - four? five?
That penalty, while BS, helps Buffalo. Instead of scoring on one play, they can take 3 or 4 more plays and run another two minutes off the clock.
RUN THE FUCKING BALL. THERE ARE FIVE MINUTES TO PLAY. TAKE TIME OFF THE CLOCK. JFC, at this point this game is not rocket science.
It's over! This game could go eight quarters with Buffalo never getting the ball back and they'd still win by two scores.