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No more overtime...

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by sweetbreads bailey, Dec 27, 2007.

  1. expendable

    expendable Well-Known Member

    Work smarter, not harder. ::)
  2. a_rosenthal

    a_rosenthal Guest

    Ask the bosses if they can give you an extra week of vacation instead, since you know you'll be hitting a bare minimum of two or three hours of overtime each week (I'm just guessing here).
  3. fishwrapper

    fishwrapper Active Member

    What about a good coat of shellack?
  4. SixToe

    SixToe Well-Known Member

    Shellac flakes too easily.

    A light spritz of Pledge puts on a nice sheen, though.
  5. expendable

    expendable Well-Known Member

    Don't do spit though. It makes the ink run.

    While you're in the store looking for resume polish, remember to get a small tube of KY for your present job.
  6. SixToe

    SixToe Well-Known Member

    Get the big tube. That way you'll be ready for the next round of budget cuts.
  7. PHINJ

    PHINJ Active Member

    I once worked 83 straight days without OT for JRC. weeee!
  8. trifectarich

    trifectarich Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I believe the no-OT policy, or OT on a limited basis, is more the norm these days. Certainly you can update the resume, but don't think you're necessarily going to a place with a more liberal OT policy.
  9. Cadet

    Cadet Guest

    This is a good idea, but you have to be sure to get it in writing. An e-mail chain leaves a paper trail.
  10. ServeItUp

    ServeItUp Active Member

    There has been a moratorium on overtime at all six shops where I've worked in the last 11 years, save for the production of special sections and coverage of big events. I figured it wasn't the least bit unusual. The suggestion to not work over 40 in the first place is the best one I've seen.
  11. Gold

    Gold Active Member

    Whenever confronted with a decision about working unpaid overtime (not a couple of hours, but to the point where you are averaging 50 or more hours a week) ask yourself this question?

    Does working these extra hours help me in my career?

    There may be instances where a story or experience may be helpful or pay off down the road, but that usually isn't the case.

    Working 10 uncompensated hours is 10 hours you could be using to look for a better job or 10 hours you can do freelance work or 10 hours you can use to work on your own book.
  12. Ben_Hecht

    Ben_Hecht Active Member

    That's the mature, real-world worldview.

    Laboring at bottom-feeding chain papers who are exploiting workers so their execs and shareholders can get fat ain't what this is about. Life's short, and you can bet that the proprietors aren't looking to operate a charity.

    Simply, such operators aren't deserving of such kindnesses. There may be isolated exceptions to this blanket statement -- but not many.
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