Not a totally fair comparison, though, because you're talking a summer Tuesday night vs. a winter Sunday night. How do they do in their time slot? That seems more important.
Yeah. The Pro Bowl is on during a day that's probably one of the 4-5 slowest sports days of the year.
I would contend that Tuesday of the All-Star game is a slower sports day than Pro Bowl Sunday, what with the NHL all-star game, NBA and college basketball as well. What else is going on in sports on Tuesday of the All-Star game?
I'm all for keeping the Pro Bowl. Means the NHL All Star game isn't the worst of the four major sports.
This is blue font, right? There is no slower time of year in sports than baseball's All-Star break. Isn't the day after the All-Star game famously dreaded as the day nothing happens in any sport anywhere?
For the Pro Bowl: 1) Move it to the week after Super Bowl. 2) Change the format of the game. Instead of AFC vs. NFC, do it NHL style, with a twist. The quarterback from each of the previous year's Super Bowls is the captain of a team. Then do a televised fantasy football draft to pick the teams on the Sunday between the Conference Championships and the Super Bowl. If you want to keep the fans involved, have the fans vote for which players are eligible to be drafted and if you want to make things interesting, require that the top 10 vote-getters be the first 10 players drafted (in any order). To save time for the draft, allow them to draft an offensive line instead of individuals.
I would watch the draft, but not the game. I truly don't know what is better the week before or the week after the Super Bowl. Either way, almost no Super Bowl participants will be in it. Winners get $100 grand each. Losers get nothing. Maybe that spices things up a bit.