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NSA whistleblower: Edward Snowden, 29

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Songbird, Jun 9, 2013.

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  1. TrooperBari

    TrooperBari Well-Known Member

    Glenn Greenwald is an American writing for the Guardian's US edition, an American LLC based in New York whose office is largely staffed with Americans. Also, if memory serves, the Washington Post was first with the PRISM story (admittedly, also done by Greenwald).

    Whose lack of peeping has you in such a funk? Is it the cable news channels? I haven't checked in on them in a while. I've found ample coverage online, even from places like HuffPo and Salon.
  2. J Staley

    J Staley Member

    I'm taking you at your word when you talk about this criminal activity broken by foreign media outlets, but, even if there have been numerous incidents broken by reporters outside the U.S., haven't most of the bigger stories come from U.S. media?

    Again, assuming you are right, I'm not excusing the U.S. media. Just didn't ring true to me.
  3. JRoyal

    JRoyal Well-Known Member

    I think the big difference is that Assange doled a bunch of stuff out over a period of time instead of releasing it all at once like this guy pretty much has. Plus, this guy says he wants to avoid the media spotlight; Assange never seemed to have that problem. Add to that the fact that the story on this guy just got out today. What kind of coverage do you expect in that period of time?

    There are plenty of reasons the press has covered this differently than Assange beyond who is sitting in the White House. Trying to say this isn't being covered because of Obama is just ignoring the facts.
  4. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    And it's a Sunday. It's not like newsrooms are full of staffers on a Sunday.
  5. Bob Cook

    Bob Cook Active Member

    The comparison isn't Assange. It's Bradley Manning, the guy who fed him, and is facing a worse-than-murder sentence as a result. Manning is why Snowden fled to a perceived safe haven before outing himself.
  6. JRoyal

    JRoyal Well-Known Member

    And IIRC, the Guardian broke a bunch of stuff during the Bush administration regarding Iraq and Guantanamo or were among the first to have it. So, they have a history of beating the U.S. media that goes back before Obama. Was that stuff a "disgrace to the profession in this country" too, or is it only a disgrace when you disagree with the person's politics?
  7. qtlaw

    qtlaw Well-Known Member

    My initial reaction was to call him a traitor; now I realize that if we just relied on the govt. to follow the law and do what's best, we'd be closer to Big Brother than ever.

    This is appalling. As a 50 yr old guy, its hard for me to condone this type of govt. outreach. We can do better as a nation, as a govt.

    We dont' need to terrorize our citizens to fight terror.
  8. NoOneLikesUs

    NoOneLikesUs Active Member

    Isn't a lot of what he is saying already out there? Hell, I remember reading a half dozen articles about the huge NSA server farms being built in the desert over the last two or three years.
  9. JRoyal

    JRoyal Well-Known Member

    I think the extent to which its currently being used is what is surprising. We knew the tech was out there and things were coming, but it seemed like there was still a chance to cut things off. Turns out, we're too late. Now we need to address how to get it turned around.
  10. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    I suspect Snowden went to a UK outlet, because government officials would be less likely to get the story held on a "national security" basis. As sad as it is to consider, I think there are some US news outlets that would kill or hold something like this under the right government threat.

    No, this guy is not a traitor. I generally take the attitude that we can't all go around making our own rules.

    But civil disobedience means seeing something you think is a violation of our civil liberties and being willing to stage your protest and accept the consequences. That certain describes Snowden. Unless I find out he was doing this for profit or for some other "unpure" motive, all I see is someone with a ton of guts. How many other people have had access to these abuses and haven't had the courage to take a stand?

    I agree with what he said. ... his biggest fear being that nothing is going to change. This is really Orwellian, and I am afraid that aside from the initial stories that are getting a small bit of attention most Americans are going to ultimately shrug. (and AQB, comparing this to Julian Assange -- and trying to make this into a "the media is out to get my guy, not the other guy" stupidity? You think Julian Assange a household name?).

    The worries this guy is bringing to light are nothing new. It's just that the means for an authoritarian government to infringe on its citizens have gotten sophisticated. But this has always been a primary worry. And it has always been a battle between freedom and government trying to take more and more power over our lives.

    Government run amok in the name of protecting us. ... but ultimately uses it as the rationale to try to control us.

    "Those who sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither." - Benjamin Franklin
  11. deskslave

    deskslave Active Member

    Given all the hue and cry about liberal media, there's a certain irony in the fact that these revelations have been courtesy of the Guardian, a newspaper that makes the New York Times look like the National Review.
  12. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    Glenn Greenwald to Mika on Morning Joe:

    "The Whitehouse talking points that you are using are completely misleading and false"
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