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NYT reporter says she would boycott Masters until women allowed at Augusta

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by playthrough, Apr 5, 2012.

  1. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    So should all female reporters assigned to cover the Middle East feel that way?
  2. jr/shotglass

    jr/shotglass Well-Known Member

    This, buck, is a generational issue, too.

    It wasn't as "you go, dude" to tell your administrator that you didn't want to do your job in the previous generation.
  3. waterytart

    waterytart Active Member

    What do you think the odds are they don't?
  4. Azrael

    Azrael Well-Known Member

    I for one enjoyed the comparison of the ANGC membership committee to the Guardian Council.
  5. buckweaver

    buckweaver Active Member

    Oh, I'm pretty sure there were a lot more employee strikes and walkouts (aka, "don't want to do my job", for reasons both personal and professional) in the last three or four generations than there have been in mine.

    Besides, Karen Crouse is not in my generation.
  6. BillyT

    BillyT Active Member

    Buck: I have certainly covered events at places I could never get into if I was not reporting.

    Racial/ethnic, no. Economic discrimination, sure. I have covered events at gold clubs I simply could not afford to be a member of.
  7. buckweaver

    buckweaver Active Member

    Didn't think anyone had to spell this out ...

    You are allowed to make more money and join said clubs. Crouse cannot change her gender and become a member of ANGC.

    Calling that discrimination is disingenuous.
  8. jr/shotglass

    jr/shotglass Well-Known Member

    Equating her stated intentions with an employee walkout or strike -- that's disingenuous.
  9. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    How I wish more women posted on this board.
  10. jr/shotglass

    jr/shotglass Well-Known Member

    I don't disagree with you. But why this time?
  11. dooley_womack1

    dooley_womack1 Well-Known Member

    Y'all are allowed to, this isn't Augusta.
  12. buckweaver

    buckweaver Active Member

    I didn't equate her intentions. You spoke of a generational divide about "telling your administrator you didn't want to do your job." I pointed out that a lot more people from yours and Karen's generation have acted on that sentiment than they have in mine.
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