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Oakland A's headed to Las Vegas

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by micropolitan guy, Apr 20, 2023.

  1. Spartan Squad

    Spartan Squad Well-Known Member

    Well if you put it that way…
  2. BYH 2: Electric Boogaloo

    BYH 2: Electric Boogaloo Well-Known Member

    The funny (not funny ha ha) thing is he's shortened the games w/o addressing why they were so long and dull in the first place. Everyone's still invested in the three true outcomes. The .300 hitter is still an endangered species. Guys are stealing more bases because everyone this side of you and I can steal a base with the limited pickoffs and the larger bases. Eventually the non-diehard fan will realize it's the same boring-ass game, just half an hour shorter, and any little boost MLB got from this will disappear. Hopefully Manfred is in the Hall of Fame by that point and we can stop thinking about how awful he is and pivot to thinking about how awful his replacement is.
  3. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

    I'd prefer to be able to think about how much better his replacement is, but the odds of that are slim.
  4. BYH 2: Electric Boogaloo

    BYH 2: Electric Boogaloo Well-Known Member

  5. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

    Bart Giamatti made it there. I know that pro commissioners anymore generally lack any substance, but hope springs eternal.
  6. wicked

    wicked Well-Known Member

    Giamatti was the last truly independent commissioner. He died too quickly to do anything transformational.

    Vincent’s nuts were always in a vice grip, and it was the Cubs and Cardinals who snipped ‘em off once he proposed something (move them to the NL West) they didn’t like.

    Manfred has been the owners’ toadie for 30 years.
    Neutral Corner likes this.
  7. Octave

    Octave Well-Known Member

    Manfred also awful in an interview setting. I know it's not his position to sell the game but he wouldn't even know where to look. He's a real schmuck, as my father called it.
  8. micropolitan guy

    micropolitan guy Well-Known Member

    The bases are three inches closer. I don't think that is all that big of a factor in the increase in stolen bases.
  9. HanSenSE

    HanSenSE Well-Known Member

  10. UPChip

    UPChip Well-Known Member

    Was thinking about all this and patterns and I think what it comes down to is something of a "fire triangle." Teams that have relocated in the modern era (now that we don't have teams that are just up and broke) tend to require two of the following:

    1. Bad ownership
    2. Bad stadium situation
    3. Bad results

    Let's set the cutoff point at when the A's moved to Oakland, 1967:

    1967: A's move from Kansas City to Oakland
    1968: Hawks move from St. Louis to Atlanta
    1969: Pilots move from Seattle to Milwaukee
    1971: Senators II move from Washington to Arlington
    1971: Rockets move from San Diego to Houston
    1972: Royals move from Cincinnati to Kansas City*
    1976: Golden Seals move from Oakland to Cleveland
    1976: Scouts move from Kansas City to Denver
    1978: Braves move from Buffalo to San Diego
    1979: Jazz move from New Orleans to Utah
    1980: Flames move from Atlanta to Calgary
    1982: Raiders move from Oakland to LA
    1982: Rockies move from Denver to New Jersey
    1984: Colts move from Baltimore to Indianapolis
    1984: Clippers move from San Diego to LA
    1985: Kings move from Kansas City to Sacramento
    1988: Cardinals move from St. Louis to Phoenix
    1993: North Stars move from Minneapolis to Dallas
    1995: Rams move from Anaheim to St. Louis
    1995: Raiders move back to Oakland from LA
    1995: Nordiques move from Quebec to Denver
    1996: Browns essentially move from Cleveland to Baltimore
    1996: Jets move from Winnipeg to Phoenix
    1997: Oilers move from Houston to Tennessee
    1997: Whalers move from Hartford to Raleigh
    2001: Grizzlies move from Vancouver to Memphis
    2002: Hornets move from Charlotte to New Orleans
    2004: Expos move from Montreal to Washington
    2008: Sonics move from Seattle to Oklahoma City
    2011: Thrashers move from Atlanta to Winnipeg
    2016: Rams move back to LA from St. Louis
    2017: Chargers move "back" to LA from San Diego
    2020: Raiders move from Oakland to Las Vegas
    maumann and Liut like this.
  11. UPChip

    UPChip Well-Known Member

    Dan Snyder seems to be beating the odds, but I'm not sure how many other guys are out there that have two of those three points right now.
  12. HanSenSE

    HanSenSE Well-Known Member

    The 1972 move was the Cincinnati Royals, of course. The team played home games in Omaha as well as Kansas City for a few years as well before settling down in KC, much like some of the regional franchises in the ABA.
    Liut likes this.
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