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Obama skewers Trump, gets skewered himself at White House Correspondent's Dinner

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by EagleMorph, May 1, 2011.

  1. 93Devil

    93Devil Well-Known Member

    Moddy, congrats. I'm glad you had a great time and mdae the most of it.

    You really should get that picture turned into a slide.

    For all you folks who do not know who Don F'ing Draper is...

    The show is on AMC. It's free for crying out loud. Watch it.
  2. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    Well, it wouldn't matter because she's gay
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2014
  3. dooley_womack1

    dooley_womack1 Well-Known Member

    Um, thus my post.
  4. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    Sorry Dooley, had a Very Senior Moment.
  5. dooley_womack1

    dooley_womack1 Well-Known Member

    You're assuming the spnited mantle.
  6. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    Well, someone has to pick up the slack
  7. dooley_womack1

    dooley_womack1 Well-Known Member

    Can we talk about my fantasy team?
  8. HC

    HC Well-Known Member

    Am I on it? :D
  9. slappy4428

    slappy4428 Active Member

    You could have meant because he stares her in the throat.
  10. dooley_womack1

    dooley_womack1 Well-Known Member

  11. Oz

    Oz Well-Known Member

    Love how people missed the final 15-20 minutes of "The Apprentice" because NBC News cut in with Obama's news conference, or at least 45 minutes of build up to it. That must have made Trump happy.
  12. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    Well, I guess we now know why it took Obama so long to produce his birth certificate. He was busy doing something else.
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