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Obama stealing speeches?

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Write-brained, Feb 18, 2008.

  1. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    Let's be really really really clear. The guy who wrote the speech for Patrick also wrote the speech for Obama. Obama should be pissed at this guy, if he didn't know. If Obama knew, then it was just painfully wrong. It wasn't just lifting a line or a phrase, he lifted the entire chorus.
  2. Point of Order

    Point of Order Active Member

    I thought Obama wrote his own speeches. I thought that was part of what made him so authentic. And as with most story stealers, he's done it more than once. From TPM, et. al.:

    More "plagiarism" accusations: ABC News has unearthed another example of Barack Obama using practically the same language as Deval Patrick.

    Deval Patrick, June 2006:

    "I am not asking anybody to take a chance on me. I am asking you to take a chance on your own aspirations."

    Barack Obama, November 2007, according to USA Today:

    "But you see, I am not asking anyone to take a chance on me. I am asking you to take a chance on your own aspirations."

  3. spup1122

    spup1122 Guest

    It seems theft is nothing new to Hillary:


    Neither is lying:

  4. "Why you shouldn't call Obama's speech plagiarism"


    "The speed with which reporters have circled Barack Obama to defend him against charges of plagiarism coming directly from the Hillary Clinton campaign indicates that the press is in the tank for Obama or—less conveniently for Clinton—that she's guilty of inflating his poor footnoting into grand theft larceny."
  5. Simon_Cowbell

    Simon_Cowbell Active Member

    This is not insignificant.
  6. Isn't it insignificant if Patrick says he and Obama share language and ideas?
    One comes up with something and says, "Try this. It worked for me."
    Then the other gets accused of plagiarism.
  7. Point of Order

    Point of Order Active Member

    Hi folks, you are look LIVE at the Democratic party flushing yet another presidential election down the drain!
  8. markvid

    markvid Guest

    The American people are not stupid - she's done.
  9. markvid

    markvid Guest

    How so, POI?
  10. Point of Order

    Point of Order Active Member

    A political neophyte will not win the general.
  11. Point of Order

    Point of Order Active Member

    By the time this thing is over everyone will forget his middle name is Hussein. He'll simply be known as Barack "Glass Jaw" Obama.
  12. Simon_Cowbell

    Simon_Cowbell Active Member

    That wording is far too unique.

    It is absolutely plagiarism.
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