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Obama's ex-girlfriends

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by MisterCreosote, May 3, 2012.

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  1. LongTimeListener

    LongTimeListener Well-Known Member

    I don't know if looking up a 2005 magazine article in which Ryan tells the interviewer his college sweetheart was black is "tracking down" an old flame, YF.
  2. Deeper_Background

    Deeper_Background Active Member

    Unprompted, Ayers also noted that while Dreams deserves its praise, Obama's second opus, Audacity of Hope, is "more of a political hack book."

    Not surprisingly, Ayers retreated into irony as he ended the session. "Yeah, yeah," he said after confirming again that he wrote Dreams, "And if you help me prove it, I'll split the royalties with you. Thank you very much."

    With his final comment, the Ayers-friendly audience laughed in relief. The media will laugh nervously upon seeing the video as well. The White House will not.

    Bill Ayers is the principal craftsman behind Dreams. The evidence is overwhelming.

    Ayers also established, as I have contended from the beginning, that he is not the author of Audacity of Hope. Although Obama claims unique authorship of this book too, it was, as Ayers suggests, a disingenuous feint to the center written by committee.

  3. Deeper_Background

    Deeper_Background Active Member

    Dreams of My Ghostwriter’s Ex: Did Bill Ayers Use Dead Weather Underground Terrorist Diana Oughton as Model for Obama’s ‘Composite’ Girlfriend?
    In the wake of Maraniss’s report that Obama had admitted the ”New York girlfriend” was ”compressed” — a composite character – the similarities to Oughton previously noted by Cashill caused the Bookworm Room blog to remark: “I mean, what are the odds that you’d combine a whole lot of different women in your life, and then come up with Bill Ayers’ girlfriend?”

    Cashill says that Ayers’s own 2001 memoir, Fugitive Days, show him to be “obsessed with Oughton.”

    Oughton’s “badly mangled” body was found in the rubble of a townhouse in New York’s Greenwich Village destroyed by a March 6, 1970, bomb blast. A graduate of Bryn Mawr College, Oughton had been studying for a master’s degree at the University of Michigan in 1966 when she met and fell in love with Ayers, then a leader of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).
  4. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member


    And once again, we see the "no politics" rule means, "no politics (except for disingenuous right-wing concern trolling sniping at Obama)."

    And we see who started (or restarted) the thread.

    When do the paychecks come in? Is it still a quarter a post?
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2014
  5. Gold

    Gold Active Member

    Of course the guy wouldn't get an offer if he had a knife clipped to his belt.

    An attorney would have to hide the knife so nobody would see when the get a knife in their back. :)
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