The new boss around here really needs to add "Noobs will fetch beers" to the Terms of Service agreement.
A DAY IN THE LIFE OF "ANDREW AUGER" 11:47 a.m. (PST) -- wakes up with a start, realizes he just had a horrible dream that he napalmed any career hopes by acting like a jackass on 11:48 a.m. -- realizes it was not a dream 11:50 a.m. -- checks email, the Seattle Times has not responded to his resume 11:55 a.m. -- stomps feet 11:56 a.m. -- come up with a great idea: Go to and log in as ANDREW AUGER and pretend someone else has been posting as him! 11:58 a.m. -- runs around his bedroom pretending he just hit the game-winning World Series home run 12:03 p.m. -- gets assignment from Bleacher Report editors: pen story about the top 10 hottest sister-in-laws of NFL QBs and make sure Elisabeth Hasselbeck is no. 1 12:04 p.m. -- begins Googling Elisabeth Hasselbeck 3:32 p.m. -- finishes Googling Elisabeth Hasselbeck 3:35 p.m. -- begins writing top 10 slideshow 3:35 p.m. -- finishes writing top 10 slideshow 3:36 p.m. -- submits piece to Bleacher Report 3:37 p.m. -- goes to and registers as "Andrew Auger" 3:45 p.m. -- finishes post titled "OK I'm lost... Confused?" 3:47 p.m. -- leans back on his bed with a satisfied grin 3:49 p.m. -- losing patience waiting for someone to post a message declaring all is forgiven, calls his friend Andy Auger to brag 3:50 p.m. -- as his own phone rings, he remembers that he is in fact Andy Auger 3:51 p.m. -- cries 3:57 p.m. -- sees first reply to his thread, panicked that it is skeptical and non-believing 4:33 p.m. -- sees several more replies, all skeptical and non-believing 4:42 p.m. -- using the fine writing skills he learned at Bleacher Report to respond to every one and try to convince these idiots that he's not really Andy Auger 4:55 p.m. -- leans back on his bed with a satisfied grin 4:57 p.m. -- calls Andy Auger again 4:58 p.m. -- cries again 5:27 p.m. -- realizing absolutely nobody buys the shit he's shoveling, "Andrew" decides to surrender and give up his sportswriting dream 5:28 p.m. -- notices he has a new message on 5:29 p.m. -- buoyed by his new friend dkphxf's willingness to put in a good word for him at every place he's interned, Andrew decides to keep the dream alive