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Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Moderator1, Jan 4, 2005.

  1. MU_was_not_so_hard

    MU_was_not_so_hard Active Member

    Re: St. Louis.

    There's a run-of-the-mill looking pub in union station. But when my fiancee and I went there two Decembers ago for a concert, we both couldn't stop talking about the food. Very good.

    But, if you want some absolutely fantastic italian, make your way over to The Hill. Amighetti's is some of the best italian food I've ever had, and if you're lucky, there will be a couple mobsters in there (Don't worry, it's a family joint.) It won't break your bank, but wear stretch pants.

    5141 Wilson at Marconi
  2. HeinekenMan

    HeinekenMan Active Member

    Yes, do try the hill. And if you can get to it, try Ted Drewes Frozen Custard. It's been featured on cable. We'll just say that you have dig through the caramel to find the custard.

    Also, when I was in the eighth grade, we ate at the McDonald's on the river. I wouldn't suggest that, particularly if that creepy guy who asks for spare change through a hole in his throat is around.

    I think there's also a restaurant across the street from the stadium that is owned by former football Cardinals Jim Hart and Dan Dierdorf.
  3. boots

    boots New Member

    If you really want to party, you must go to East St. Louis. It will be a memorable experience. I guarantee it.
  4. DyePack

    DyePack New Member

    Wonderful advice. That's just what the people who are unfamiliar with the area should do.
  5. cougargirl

    cougargirl Active Member

    Yah. Ask Kevin Stevens about that.
  6. markvid

    markvid Guest

    I really miss Super Smokers
  7. imjustagirl2

    imjustagirl2 New Member

    Re: St. Louis...I didn't like Ted Drewe's as much as I liked Fritz's. mmmmm concrete.

    Any suggestions for the greater Birmingham area? I haven't read 34 pages, but I'll be there in the near future. Help me out.
  8. dixiehack

    dixiehack Well-Known Member

  9. imjustagirl2

    imjustagirl2 New Member

    Gracias dixie!
  10. Idaguy

    Idaguy Guest

    Does anyone know of anywhere good to eat and/or any good watering holes near the Ballpark in Arlington? Me and Mrs. Bock decided we're going to the Yankees games there Saturday and Sunday.
    Any help would be appreciated.
  11. markvid

    markvid Guest

    there is a wyndham, a rock bottom brewery, etc and an amusement park nearby.
  12. dixiehack

    dixiehack Well-Known Member

    Attention K-Mart shoppers.

    White sauce (which for those who don't know is mayo-based) is meant for BBQ chicken. Only chicken. White sauce on pork is not part of God's plan.

    And if you really want to taste the best version, you need to go to Pilgrim's BBQ in Russellville, Ala., which you will never find without the help of a local.

    That is all.
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