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Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Moderator1, Jan 4, 2005.

  1. ajw1978

    ajw1978 New Member

    Primenti was awesome. I liked PGH, what got me though was the landing (can't remember the name of the area), but there was a Hard Rock Cafe there. Kind of suprising, it's not something you expect to see in a town like PGH (nothing against it). The last time out, we ended up at Casey's Draft House ... before I explain further, has anybody else been there and experienced the .... novelty?
  2. EaglesBeak

    EaglesBeak New Member

    I'm going to be in Oklahoma City on the first day of the NFL season. Any good place in town to catch anything but Cowboys games?
  3. Eagles, I was in Oklahoma City recently...

    Bricktown is the place to go, period. There's all kinds of sports bars and restuarants down there, you cant go wrong.
  4. three_bags_full

    three_bags_full Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the info on DC. Wifey and I had a great time, save the Cubs bullpen blowing an eighth-inning lead.

    We had some great seafood on the waterfront, checked out all the monuments on the mall before it got painfully hot -- then ducked into the Haulocost museum, which was an excellent suggestion (we even got in free because we're military), and the air and space museum, which wasn't too exciting.

    For the evening, we drove -- imagine a small-town Mississippi boy driving in DC (it wasn't that bad, really) -- to Chinatown for dinner and grabbed a beer at an Irish pub there afterwards.

    On the trip back to Newport News, we took highway 17 and enjoyed some great sights and food. Stopped in Yorktown for a beer and showed the wife the battlefield, etc.

    After all was said and done, we had a great weekend.
  5. goalmouth

    goalmouth Well-Known Member


    But thanks for being a great contestant.
  6. Jim Tom Pinch

    Jim Tom Pinch Active Member

    Bahamas anyone? Nassau
  7. Chris Silva

    Chris Silva Member

    Going to Sacramento for six days...will definitely dine at California Fats, but does anyone know of some good bars to check out?
  8. slappy4428

    slappy4428 Active Member

    Try the Lau Tse-Tung...
    It's nothing but T-shirts and ratty jeans... You'll love it...
  9. Oz

    Oz Well-Known Member

    Not so sure about bars, but if you dig Italian food, check out My Brother Vinny's. Great atmosphere. I just went there two months ago for a friend's wedding reception dinner and had no complaints.
  10. Cowboycane

    Cowboycane Member

    I can't believe I'm even bothering with this, but here goes..

    Provo, UT, anyone?

    *cowers in fear*
  11. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    Which church service was you wanting to attend?
  12. OTD

    OTD Well-Known Member

    A co-worker who's a BYU alum suggested a place called The Training Table (for burgers) and said there are some bars along the main drag--look for signs of outlines of beer bottles--you can't advertise brands, I guess. Other than that, drive to SLC.
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