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One dinner. Four journalists. And you. Whom do you choose?

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by SuperflySnuka, Oct 11, 2007.

  1. Cansportschick

    Cansportschick Active Member

    Xan, you are invited to my journalism dinner. But you have to bring me Sail On....okay ;) ;D
  2. Huggy

    Huggy Well-Known Member

    I can't imagine anybody from the Score or the FAN (and I like Stellick) would ever be in a discussion about journalists. Why not Cabbie or Caroline Frolic? Or Howard Berger?

    As for Katherine Humphreys, Debbie Van Kiekebelt (or however the hell you spell it) was doing sports on CITY-TV long before she came around.

    Can't argue with Brunt, easily the best sports columnist working for a Canadian paper. Note I didn't say best sports writer, that would be someone else. If that makes any sense.
  3. Cansportschick

    Cansportschick Active Member

    Huggy, first of all, if you look at my list, some were invited for journalism reasons and other for non-journalism reasons.

    From what you have posted, you think FAN and Score peeps are not considered journalists/broadcasters and you are so wrong to say that; however, that is your opinion. However, I find that the ones I have listed on my invitee list are way better than some of the ones that are on CBC, TSN, and print media like the Globe and Mail and the Score. They can and should be included in a discussion about journalists. They are just as much journalists/broadcasters as the ones at the bigger, or more popular places.

    Cabbie is funny, but to me he is not the best media person at the Score. Cabbie on the Street was entertaining, but to me, not the greatest journalistic piece at the Score (good laughs though). I know that he did the NBAXL and JZONE on Sportsnet. However, there are many sports media people I would take over him. Frolic is hard to understand and I don't like her style as a anchor/broadcaster. She is a smart person, though. Sansone and Kouleas are the best from the Score and their programs (To the Point and the Spin) are a reflection of that. Schiiler has had a lot of success as a news/sports anchor and reporter and he is better than Frolic and Cabbie. However, if you saw my post, I also said Schiiler is a music fan. If he came to the dinner party/grand ole kitchen party, the guests and myself would expect him to serenade us with a guitar tune.

    As for Van Kiekebelt, yeah, she might have been doing sports long before Humphreys but I still think Humphreys is better. While VanKiekebelt was Canada's first woman sportscaster, I still think Humphreys is better. Humphreys has been around sports and has played them, started out as an intern and worked her way up to where she is at now. She has experienced a lot and while Van Kiekebelt may have broken one barrier, Humphreys has broken many more.

    Overall Huggy while you and I may have our own preferences, I only wonder what the Score and Fan sports media people would think about your comment "I can't imagine anybody from the Score or Fan would ever be in a discussion about journalists." They have a right to be in the discussion because some of them are talented and have worked their way up to where they are now. Whether you like it or not, they are journalists/reporters/broadcasters/anchors/hosts. Those people did not work their way up the sports media ladder so they could be considers inferior to people working at for instance, the CBC, TSN the Globe and Mail and the National Post.

    Huggy, as for dinner parties or parties in general, you don't want them to be dull. I am sorry, but at least my guests who generate interesting discussions, entertain and make the party interesting. All the guests I have listed are interesting and intriguing while at the same time they all have a great sense of humour. Also, the party would be fun. What's the point of going or hosting a dull and boring party (lifeless too).
  4. Elliotte Friedman

    Elliotte Friedman Moderator Staff Member

    Debbie Van Kiekebelt was Canada's Female Athlete of the Year in 1971, the year she won a Gold Medal in the pentathlon at the Pan Am Games.
  5. jgmacg

    jgmacg Guest

    More poutine and beavertail for Table 3, please!
  6. I do know about dancing the can can but I like to watch Selena do the "washing machine."
  7. DEB

    DEB Member

    You haven't seen "can can" move. Selena has nothing on her.

    Elliotte, "can can" knows about the Olympic history of the other Deb (sports person). But she still picks the other chick.

    can can, am I invited to this party? wicked and I both want to hear about the Kama Sutra. I promise to bring the wine.
  8. Elliotte Friedman

    Elliotte Friedman Moderator Staff Member

    Are you her secretary?
  9. DEB

    DEB Member

    I am really trying to find the humour here, really.
  10. jgmacg

    jgmacg Guest

    May I keep my snowshoe centerpiece?
  11. Flash

    Flash Guest

    My vote's on 'other personality.'
  12. Flash

    Flash Guest

    My dinner? I'll take Francis, Matejicka, Friedman and my old SE at the Sun, Veitch. All good people, all smart as hell, all interesting and all more than willing to throw back a few beer.
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