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One dinner. Four journalists. And you. Whom do you choose?

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by SuperflySnuka, Oct 11, 2007.

  1. funky_mountain

    funky_mountain Active Member

    frank deford
    shelby strother
    jim murray
    wc heinz
  2. T&C

    T&C Member

    George Plimpton and Dan Jenkins without question and likely Willie Morris and Damon Runyon.
  3. Full of Shit

    Full of Shit Member

    This topic reminds me of the show the late Steve Allen used to do on PBS -- "Meeting of Minds." Each show would have a dinner consisting of four famous people from history. He'd have, say, Genghis Khan, Benjamin Franklin, Joan of Arc and Sigmund Freud. The "dinner conversations" drew, wherever possible, on the subjects' own writings (probably had to wing it with G-Khan, though). I thought it was TV at its best. Of course, today that concept is epitomized by "Cavemen."

    Anyone else remember this show?
  4. jgmacg

    jgmacg Guest

    I remember it vividly. Invariably Mr. Allen's wife, Jayne Meadows, made one appearance each season.

    I'd also like to add a name to my fantasy guest list. AJ Liebling. It shames me to have overlooked him.
  5. SF_Express

    SF_Express Active Member

    I like that one.
  6. ARD

    ARD Member

    Alan Coren
    P.J. O'Rourke
    Molly Ivins
    Dave Barry
  7. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    Journalists, alive:

    Charlie Pierce
    Jeff MacGregor
    Scott Price
    Gay Talese

    Journalists, no longer with us:

    Joseph Mitchell
    David Halberstam (hurts to type that)
    A.J. Liebling
    Jim Murray

    Writers, alive:

    Tim O'Brien
    Tobias Wolff
    Nick Hornby
    Elliott Perlman

    Writers, no longer with us:

    Graham Greene
    John Steinbeck
    Richard Hugo
    Papa Hemingway

    Ladies night:

    Jhumpa Lahiri
    Zadie Smith
    Pam Houston
    J.K. Rowling

    One person I always wanted to tip a few back with, did, and ended up wishing I had not:

    David Simon
  8. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    I'm counting 21 as my date so that I could add Big Dog to my list. I knew something did not seem right.
    I will just listen and keep the grey goose flowing.
  9. BigDog

    BigDog Active Member

    Boom, we need to seriously do this thing. Or at least take the women to Serendipity for frozen hot chocolate during the holidays.
  10. pallister

    pallister Guest

    Frozen hot chocolate?
  11. imjustagirl2

    imjustagirl2 New Member

    I thought for sure that would end with Jonesy. :D
  12. hockeybeat

    hockeybeat Guest

    I've spent more time thinking about this and I've decided to break this into two groupings:

    • Newspapers: Jimmy Breslin, Red Fisher, Bob Woodward and Paul Zimmerman.
    • Magazines: Dan Jenkins, Chris Jones, Gare Joyce and Michael Farber
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