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One of the coolest things I've ever experienced

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by jeffshelman, Aug 6, 2007.

  1. shotglass

    shotglass Guest

    Really, I think everyone could let this one thread be a unanimous "attaboy" thread. Just no need to pick apart one of the classiest gestures I've heard about in a while.
  2. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    It's true. Nobody gives a crap about journalists, except other journalists.
  3. Lester Bangs

    Lester Bangs Active Member

    So, Shelman's on news side now?
  4. Joe Williams

    Joe Williams Well-Known Member

    aw, what the hell . . . ATTABOY, Roanoke!
  5. jcrutchmer

    jcrutchmer Guest

    I don't know the origins of the boxes getting sent to The Oklahoman, but I know the paper has returned that gesture often since the 1995 OKC bombing. They sent out care packages to journalists at other papers in the wake of 9/11 and Katrina, among others.
  6. Walter Burns

    Walter Burns Member

    Raw, naked, unadulterated chaos.
    Vacations are canceled, people are called in on off days and there's more overtime than you dreamed were possible. And if you're one of those people necessary, you barely get time to go home, sleep and shower.
    The day of, you're running on pure instinct. After that, you're chasing follow-ups that might never get used. There are a lot of editors with a lot of ideas, some of which turn out to be contradictory.
    After the fact, it's a hell of a good war story.
    During? Not so much.
  7. Chad Conant

    Chad Conant Member

    Kudos Jones. Well put.

    Also want to echo the sentiment. Hell of a group of people sending that stuff out. Just hope to never be in a shop that gets one of those boxes.
  8. shotglass

    shotglass Guest

    Well said, and welcome.
  9. Joe Williams

    Joe Williams Well-Known Member

    Enjoy your potato chips then.
    Top editors prefer their bonuses.
    Publishers and owners prefer their capital gains.
    They also like knowing that the rank-and-file will work hard for, literally, peanuts.
  10. Cowboycane

    Cowboycane Member

    I worked on the TV side, and got thrown into the OKC bombing because I happened to be standing there when it happened...

    I remember figuring out that speed limits didn't apply... I was doing about 100 on the turnpike in a marked car, and the police blew by me doing about 130.

    I remember people yelling that there were more bombs, and hundreds of people running God-knows-where in fear.

    I remember the tornado warning issued about 3pm, and recalling that it was the first time I could remember weather being ignored in Oklahoma.

    And I remember how good a 30 minute nap on the floor of a live truck could feel after 2 1/2 days with no sleep.

    That care package is a genius level idea. Well-played by all involved.
  11. shotglass

    shotglass Guest


    My outlook, like Mr. Salt's, has left me comfortable and yet rather unpissed off at life in general. So I think I like ours better.
  12. ArnoldBabar

    ArnoldBabar Active Member

    I know our paper sent packages after 9/11 and Katrina (including a bunch of dry socks) to sister papers in the area. It's a cool tradition, and as others have said, I hope one never lands on our doorstep.
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