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Online quiz: Which presidential candidate fits your beliefs the best?

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Mizzougrad96, Sep 26, 2007.

  1. zeke12

    zeke12 Guest

    The first test was closer for me, but both are fairly blunt tools.

    Still, if it at least gets people to take a look at policies either than commercials, I'm all for it.
  2. Oz

    Oz Well-Known Member

    First quiz ...

    1. Dennis Kucinich, 43
    2 (tie). Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, 39
    4. Chris Dodd, 38
    5. John Edwards, 37

    Second quiz ...

    1. Hillary Clinton, 58
    2. Barack Obama, 53
    3. Joe Biden, 50
    4. Chris Dodd, 48
    5. Bill Richardson, 47
  3. imjustagirl2

    imjustagirl2 New Member

    Biden 25
    Guiliani 25
    Edwards 25
    McCain 24
    Richardson 23

    McCain 48 (75 percent social)
    Tommy Thompson (take jimmy johnson, don't take the girl) 40
    Richardson 38
    Biden 38
    Brownback 35
  4. sportschick

    sportschick Active Member

    If I ever doubted I was left-wing:

    First quiz
    Gravel 53
    Kucinich 51

    First mainstream candidates:
    Hllary, Obama and Richardson 42

    First Republican
    Ron Paul 26

    Second quiz:
    Kucinich 70 percent
    Dodd 68
    Clinton 65 (bit surprising. I think she's far too conservative for me)

    First Republican
    Ron Paul 33
  5. bostonbred

    bostonbred Guest

    1. Kucinich
    2. Richardson
    3. Edwards
    4. Biden
    5. Gravel
    6. Obama
    7. Hillary
    8. Dodd
    9. Giuliani

    Everybody else is far behind those...
  6. D-3 Fan

    D-3 Fan Well-Known Member

    When is Fenian going to stop by and find out who he is best matched with?

    Oh well, back to the topic at hand...

    On the WQAD Channel 8 test (top 10):
    -Biden 22
    -Richardson 22
    -Edwards 22
    -Romney 20
    -Guiliani 20
    -Clinton 19
    -Kucinich 19
    -Obama 19
    -Dodd 16
    -McCain 15

    Vote Smart test (top 10):
    -Thompson 48%
    -McCain 43
    -Huckabee 38
    -Biden 35
    -Guiliani 33
    -Richardson 33
    -Romney 33
    -Gilmore 33
    -Edwards 30
    -Clinton 30

    You know, there is some skewity to these tests, but one thing is clear to me as a moderate: most of the candidates are somewhat similar in what they believe. But one thing is certain, Clinton and Obama scored low with me, which is surprising given that are the "big dogs" in the house right now.
  7. TrooperBari

    TrooperBari Well-Known Member

    First quiz: 1 (tie). Kucinich, Richardson 35; 3. Edwards 32; 4 (tie). Gravel, Biden, Dodd 30. First GOP candidate: Giuliani, 20

    Second quiz: 1. Kucinich 55%; 2 (tie). Dodd, Gravel, Biden 50%; 5 (tie). Clinton, Obama, 48%. First GOP candidate: Paul 35%

    Interesting, but I doubt Wee Dennis is getting my vote.
  8. sportschick

    sportschick Active Member

    I'm rather shocked by that. You don't seem Dennisish at all.
  9. ArnoldBabar

    ArnoldBabar Active Member

    How's this for screwy? The first quiz had Romney as my No. 1, the second had him next-to-last. But Richardson was second and first, respectively.
  10. HejiraHenry

    HejiraHenry Well-Known Member

    Tancredo (!) and McCain (!!) = 29
    Hunter (!!!), Brownback (!!!!) and Gilmore (!!!!!) = 27
    Thompson = 26
    Romney = 24
    Paul (!, etc., etc), Giuliani = 23

    No Democrat above a 9.
    The Big Three all at 3 each, the whole pro-choice thing.

    Seems like an accurate model to me.
  11. First one came up Hillary and Obama tied at 57 for me.

    Second one had Kucinich as my guy, followed by Gravel and then Hillary.

    I just ordered an Edwards/Obama '08 bumper sticker from cafepress.com. I think that's the ticket to a victory, which is all that really counts. We need a Dem win to end the war, more federal stem cell funding, some sort of fix for our healthcare system ... all things we're not going to get from Repub. I think Hill's a hag. But apparently we agree on a lot and it won't hurt my feelings if she wins! I just think Edwards/Obama is the most winnable combo we've got.

    Hope I"m not DB'ing: But anyone else catch this gem from the Washington Post. It had me on the floor.

    The headline on their homepage is, "Bush: 'Children's Do Learn' Here's an excerpt from the lead.The writer of this story sounded like Jon Stewart.

    As a candidate, George W. Bush once asked, "Is our children learning?"
    Now he has an answer.
    "Childrens do learn," he said Wednesday.
    The setting was, yes, an education event where the president was taking credit for rising test scores and promoting congressional renewal of his signature education law. .... The visual worked fine. The oral? Not so much.
  12. Beaker

    Beaker Active Member

    First One:

    Kucinich 47
    Obama/Dodd/Clinton 45
    Gravel 42
    Biden 41
    Richardson/Edwards 37

    Second One (seems to be more in depth):

    Kucinich, Obama, Dodd, Clinton, Biden, Edwards, Gravel, Richardson
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