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Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Moderator1, Feb 7, 2007.

  1. Simon_Cowbell

    Simon_Cowbell Active Member

    They can do it. We know that.

    But, it is so lazy.
  2. Montezuma's Revenge

    Montezuma's Revenge Active Member

    Mizzougrad, is that you?
  3. nafselon

    nafselon Well-Known Member

    So what? It has zero to do with his situation and because I know that the person who got arrested considers (or considered) Elling a friend, it was pretty pathetic.
  4. spwritenj

    spwritenj New Member

    well, donuts, i guess you're perfect, because if you think any of the following ...

    A) being grumpy,
    B) feeling underappreciated,
    C) complaining about your desk, or
    D) doing a byline count for colleagues

    ... makes steve unusual or a bad employee, well, there are an awful lot of bad employees in sports departments. and "mr. happy" is used affectionately by those of us who know him -- steve has a great sense of humor. i sat next to the guy you anonymously call a jerk for three years in raleigh when i was a young staffer, and he was always helpful and supportive.

    but this is what i really can't figure out: anonymous or not, whether you like him or hate him, why are you going there? why are you ripping a guy as he's trying to figure out where he's going to get his next paycheck? can you honestly not put yourself in his shoes?

    steve politi
  5. come on, nobody can honestly expect Hoppes to come on a public message board and discuss a private personnel matter

  6. Mystery_Meat

    Mystery_Meat Guest

    Sure he can. He's had, at last count, eight screennames comment on this thread </sandy> </old school joke>
  7. Mmmm_Donuts

    Mmmm_Donuts Member

    Please. Cry me a river. Steve is going to get another job no problem. He's one of the best golf writers in the country. Top five, easily. hell, he could probably double his salary strictly though freelance. He's that good. And his work made the Sentinel a better paper. Like I said before, he works hard, has immense talent, yadda, yadda, yadda. So I'm not worried about the unemployment end of it.

    But hell yes I'm going to share context about why he got fired. I wouldn't have been inclined to say a thing if Elling hadn't come on here himself and thrown other people under the bus - acting like he's being held to a totally different standard than other journalists. He buried himself, and it had nothing to do with differing standards. Those other journalists he mentions? The guy who got arrested at the Magic practice was eventually fired. And the other two reporters he mentioned were severely reprimanded for what amounted to a first offense, to the point where they both had to have meetings with the ME and EE of the paper. I also might add that the latter two reporters did nothing but distinguish themselves after their incidents.

    Lest we just give him a free pass, Elling DID do freelance work for a source, even if it was just for a short time. He DID gripe and bitch and talk smack about his bosses and fellow reporters (and more than the usual journalist, so don't give me that shit). And he WAS a guy who got shuffled from one editor to the other.

    I'm glad your encounters with Elling were positive, Mr. Politi. I'm sure he's a fantastic guy to those who are closest to him. I'm also sure he's been a delight to some in the biz. He'll get another good job, as he should based on his work ethic and talent.

    But he's hardly blameless, so feel free to take him off the cross when you get the chance.
  8. fishwrapper

    fishwrapper Active Member

    Man, that's no way to go at this profession.
    If you're waiting for that proverbial pat on the back, you might have to remove the knife, first.
  9. fishwrapper

    fishwrapper Active Member

    If Lynn is the worst manager you've had, you need a reality check.
    And, if it's that big a deal to you, move.
    That's a big, shitty company. You can move in it, or away from it.
    But, for the love of God, don't come on here and whine anonymously about a specific manager.
  10. ballscribe

    ballscribe Active Member

    Does he really have great hair? My boss went all Agassi.
  11. Ira_Schoffel

    Ira_Schoffel Member

    Anyone at the Sentinel not get slammed on this thread yet?
  12. fishwrapper

    fishwrapper Active Member

    "Mud thrown is ground lost."

    (Unless, I'm throwing it. Then, I'm trying to build something.)
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