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Oswalt to Phils? ... The trade-deadline thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by spnited, Jul 29, 2010.

  1. JC

    JC Well-Known Member

    yes, your comparisons and questions are ridiculous. Would Ted Williams all of a sudden forget how to hit?
  2. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    This is some thread.
  3. 93Devil

    93Devil Well-Known Member

    People say drop Jeter to eighth...
    I say no, he will still hit in the second half...
    They say he is too old...
    I bring up Williams who hit late into his career...
    Spnited calls Williams the best ever...
    I ask him would the Yanks have done just as better with Williams than DiMaggio (Williams might not have been the best player in his division, let alone all time)...
    Spnited answers, and I accept his answer.

    Just simple back and forth, until you start calling people idiots.
  4. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    Williams was much, much better than DiMaggio.

    And he was so much better than Jeter that bringing them up in a comparison is silly. The fact that a handful of the most elite players in the game aged well doesn't mean Jeter automatically will.

    (Edit: Maybe two "much"s is too much. But damn, the guy puts up a .553 OBP one season and can't get the right amount of respect. Five-fucking-fifty-three).
  5. Hank_Scorpio

    Hank_Scorpio Active Member

    That may be one of the most stupidest statements in the history of this board.
  6. 93Devil

    93Devil Well-Known Member

    Really, you think Williams is that much better than DiMaggio?

    DiMaggio finished first or second in MVP voting five times. Williams did it six times.
  7. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    MVP votes don't win games. Yes, he was that much better. DiMaggio got MVP votes because he was on winning teams, and some people like to give MVP votes to winners rather than the best player.
  8. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    Ted also hit below .300 ONCE in 18 seasons. When he was 40. The next year, he hit .316 and retired. He hit .388 at 38. He led the league in both SLG and OBP nine times. NINE TIMES, as Ferris' mom would say.

    DiMaggio hit below .300 twice in 13 seasons, led the league in OBP twice and was done at 36.

    Williams over DiMaggio, and it's not even close. Echoing what someone else said here (probably someone I usually argue with), Ted is the best hitter in the history of the game. And a real American hero and not a wartime whiner, unlike Joe!

  9. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    Williams: 6 batting titles. DiMaggio: 2

    Williams: 4 home run titles and finished second 4 times. DiMaggio: 2 home run titles and never finished second.

    Williams: 4 RBI titles. DiMaggio: 2

    Williams led the league in On Base Percentage 12 times. DiMaggio 0

    Now, DiMaggio is considered to be a much better fielder. But still, when you take hitting into account, Williams was much better.

    Supposedly according to legend, Williams and DiMaggio were almost traded for each other in the late 1940s. Dan Topping and Tom Yawkey supposedly got drunk and agreed to trade the two stars. I've heard two versions of the story. One is that they sobered up and decided not to make the trade. The other was that they were all set on the trade, but Yawkey asked Topping to throw in a young catcher in the deal as well. A guy named Yogi Berra. Topping refused.
  10. JC

    JC Well-Known Member

    You also compared Mauer and Jeter, ridiculous. I didn't call people idiots, I may have insinuated that you were but I don't believe I said it. Look at the responses you've gotten, I'm far from the only one.

    If Williams wasn't the best player in the division, who would you say was?
  11. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    There weren't "divisions" when DiMaggio & Williams played.

    DiMaggio was a hell of a player. A Hall of Famer and an American Legend. (The Old Man and the Sea, Mrs. Robinson)

    But Williams may have been the best hitter of all time.
  12. Rumpleforeskin

    Rumpleforeskin Active Member

    Don't know if it was posted, but Adam Dunn got placed on waivers today.
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