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Oswalt to Phils? ... The trade-deadline thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by spnited, Jul 29, 2010.

  1. Mark2010

    Mark2010 Active Member

    Still hoping the Minnesota Twins can add a starting pitcher.
  2. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    I wouldn't be so sure. Guy has been traded an awful lot for a top prospect. Sure sounds like he has a case of the Andy Martes.

    Plus, Ed Wade thinks he's good.
  3. mb

    mb Active Member

  4. Drip

    Drip Active Member

    I always felt they could've given Lee what he wanted and kept Halladay. Amaro tried to play cheap ball and it hurt the team. Now, with Oswalt, the Phillies have a good rotation. BRING ON THE YANKS!!
  5. Football_Bat

    Football_Bat Well-Known Member

    Cantu to Texas is done.


    Cantu can play 2B, and that'll be helpful because Kinsler went on the DL today. He can platoon with Davis at 1B and play 2B against righthanded starters.
  6. melock

    melock Well-Known Member

    Lee was going to want at least 5 or 6 years and the Phillies don't like giving pitchers more than 4. Problem is talks were obviously going on with Howard on a big deal so money was slotted for him. Unless Lee was willing to take a discount (why would he when the Yankees will park trucks in front of his house with beds full of 100s) no way was he staying in Philly.
  7. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    That is technically true, but Cantu has played two games at 2B since 2007 and none since 2008. He was terrible there in 2006. Keep him at a corner and bench Swingie McSwingsalot.
  8. amraeder

    amraeder Well-Known Member

    I forget what the Phillie got for Lee. How does their return for Lee compare to what they gave up for Oswalt?
  9. Flying Headbutt

    Flying Headbutt Moderator Staff Member

    The Orioles trade Miguel Tejada to the Padres.

    Depending on how much he plays that should do well to ambush any chances the Padres make the playoffs. You take a guy with no plate discipline, who is seeing on average .7 pitches per at bat or something close to it (I know that's impossible, but dude sees fewer pitches than the ugliest girl at the bar), and put him in that giant ass park? Talk about failure waiting to happen.
  10. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Cantu ain't exactly selective.

    Then again, we do agree on Wallace. I brought up how many times he has been traded on the regular baseball thread. It does make you wonder why so many teams have been willing to deal him.

    And even they traded for Oswalt, dealing away Lee was a mistake by the Phillies. I and many others have said it from the day they did it. They basically saved about $8 million and it cost them a dominant pitcher who had just proven he can be fantastic in the playoffs. You don't trade guys like that for prospects when you are a World Series contender.

    Now, they trade for a veteran who they will probably end up paying more in the long run than they would have paid Lee even though he is not as good.

    Oh, and add me to the very long list of people who don't think Happ can be what he was in 2009 again. Is he useful? Sure. Is he going to be an ace? Damn unlikely.
  11. SoCalDude

    SoCalDude Active Member

    How about: veteran presence on a young team that will be in a battle for the division or wild card all season. An alternative to the current shortstop, Everth Cabrera, who is hitting .200.
  12. wicked

    wicked Well-Known Member

    Alex Ochoa scoffs in your general direction.
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