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Oswalt to Phils? ... The trade-deadline thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by spnited, Jul 29, 2010.

  1. melock

    melock Well-Known Member

    They got a much better return on Lee than what they gave up for Oswalt. Gose is fast, has a good arm and could develop some power, but he's a long, long way from those days. Villar has a good glove, but doesn't seem like he'll develop into much of a hitter. Happ had a good rookie year, but he pitched above his head and now he's been hurt for most of the year. Add in that Houston is paying almost half of what Oswalt is owed on his contract (should the Phillies not pick up the 2012 option) and the Phillies got a steal.
  2. Flying Headbutt

    Flying Headbutt Moderator Staff Member

    Look up the numbers. Tejada had a good April and a hollow June (good average, but a pretty dismal OBP for it) and is now a slap hitter to the right side. His bat speed is gone, his "veteran presence" qualifications are kind of weak, and his range defensively as a SS is nil. I did think he did a good job with the glove at third, but he got awfully washed up awfully fast. He may see six pitches a game in four at bats because he's so impatient. He's also had two months this year with an OPS under .600.
  3. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    Let's see how many games the veteran presence costs the Padres, especially if he's playing SS with all the mobility of Dan Marino at age 39.
  4. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Maybe the Padres figured Tejada's Vitamin B injections will help their power numbers.
  5. SoCalDude

    SoCalDude Active Member

    Lots of young, contending teams bring in aging veterans at the deadline. Who knows if this one will be beneficial.
    But, just like always, you guys gotta proclaim something good or bad, no middle ground.
  6. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    Nats closer Matt Capps to the Twins.

    Do the Nationals even need a closer? (Hi Moddy!)
  7. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    No, just like always, we have produced plenty of evidence that this is not a smart move for the Padres, but you've got your mind made up that it's a good deal (nothing quite as compelling as "good veteran presence," a nice catch-all that is usually a synonym for "this guy has nothing left") so we must be stupid or wrong or jumping the gun.
  8. mb

    mb Active Member

    Either I've missed something this year, or the Nats pulled off one hell of a deal. The guy they got from Minnesota was really highly thought of, from what I remember.
  9. Della9250

    Della9250 Well-Known Member

    And the Twins overpaid by giving up Ramos. And the Blue Jays are now justified in what they are asking from teams for Downs.
  10. mb

    mb Active Member

    If they're really considering playing him at SS ... that's going to be hilarious.
  11. mb

    mb Active Member

    Granted, I haven't paid much attention to the Twins ... and even less to their farm system ... but I'm not sure the Nats didn't get as much for Capps as the Astros did for Roy Oswalt. And then you have to consider that Houston is forking over $11M.
  12. JackReacher

    JackReacher Well-Known Member

    Sad to see Capps go. He was a great addition this year. But you certainly can't argue with the trade after seeing what the Nats got back. I mean, I know nothing about those two players, but everything I'm reading indicates they're pretty damn good.

    I'll miss the playing of Final Countdown in the ninth.
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