All I know is that I once fell off a table at a night club trying to get a better look at a young Patty Smyth.
The Warrior was off Scandal's first real album. Goodbye to You was off their debut EP. However several years later she returned to the Top 10, dueting with Don Henley on "Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough"
Yeah ... but hotter. She was smokin' that night. Tiny white skirt and top. Remember admiring it as I tumbled to the floor.
No way Patty Smyth belongs in the hall, but her solo album, "Never Enough" is an underappreciated gem. I remember watching her on Letterman many years ago, entranced by her cuteness.
Scandal was part of my first concert -- Hall & Oates at Summerfest '83. Goodbye To You is a good song, and I heard Love Has Got A Line On You -- an 80s Milwaukee radio favorite (Milwaukee loved Scandal for some unknown reason) -- on XM last weekend for the first time in ages. That said, Patty Smyth doesn't belong in the RnR Hall Of Fame anymore than I do. Though the lyrics for The Warrior belong in the worst lyrics HoF. For that matter, Patti Smith doesn't belong in the HOF fame either. That RnR HOF's version of leading that charge.
"No Mistakes" is an outstanding song. and I can't believe it took 14 posts before someone refererenced "Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough." What, was I the only one here playing that CASSINGLE over and over again as I drowned my sorrows in Mountain Dew and pined for my first love in the summer of 1992? Huh? Oh. I was. Patty also inspired a classic Beavis and Butthead riff. They're watching Goodbye To You and... Butthead: "Is that Pat Nebatar?" Beavis: "No way dude. It's that chick that made love to Dan Henley."
In the summer of '92 I was pining for Sophie B. Hawkins and then found out she was lesbian as all get-out.