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Penn State AD charged with perjury -- *UPDATE 2* Sandusky Arrested Again

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by linotype, Nov 5, 2011.

  1. Lugnuts

    Lugnuts Well-Known Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    According to the indictment, after the 2002 incident in the shower, the only thing Curley and Schultz did was to order Sandusky not to bring any kids from Second Mile to the football building. That rule was approved by university president Graham Spanier.

    I mean WTF!?

    So Spanier knew, and according to a flyer that's floating around the internet, Sandusky was advertising for his overnight camps on the campus of Penn State as late as 2009.

    Spanier must go.
  2. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    What buried bodies would be damaging enough you would allow a guy you ALREADY KNOW to be involved in predatory pedophila, who has already been brought under suspicion more than once and yet continued his behavior, to remain associated (in any way) with the program?
  3. 93Devil

    93Devil Well-Known Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    I know his history, but that was a huge roll of the dice on PSU's part.

    Sort of answers why Sandusky never took a head coaching job anywhere else. He had everything set up where he was.
  4. Lugnuts

    Lugnuts Well-Known Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    Per Wikipedia:


    You live by the internet, you die by the internet.

    Finally, if you go to Graham Spanier's personal website, there's this:

    No news, huh? You don't say.
  5. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    The original DA has passed away I believe.
  6. Bob Cook

    Bob Cook Active Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    I have even odds that Jerry Sandusky himself was molested as a child. I hate to think this way, but given what we know now...


    Mr. Sandusky's father, Art Sandusky, served as live-in director of the Brownson House athletic center in Washington for many years. The facility's athletic field was named in honor of the elder Mr. Sandusky.

    The Sandusky family moved into the center in 1953, when Jerry was 9. It was the kind of place where children could keep out of trouble at a time when there were few after-school programs available.
  7. Armchair_QB

    Armchair_QB Well-Known Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    Ah, that's a little different than "disappeared."
  8. Lugnuts

    Lugnuts Well-Known Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    From the ABC News write-up (my own emphasis added):

    The commissioner said there had been three instances in which school officials allegedly witnessed Sandusky sexually assaulting a boy, but no one acted to prevent it from recurring.

    "I don't think I've ever seen something like this before," Noonan said.

    When asked about Paterno, Noonan said, "He is not regarded as a target at this point."


    Another article points out this is still an active investigation, though.
  9. LongTimeListener

    LongTimeListener Well-Known Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    No he actually disappeared in 2005 and is now presumed dead, but they have never found a body. Laptop found in the river, too damaged to see what was on it.


    He chose not to pursue the 1998 case, but that link notes that he was an intensely private person and nobody knew what went into his thinking.
  10. IllMil

    IllMil Active Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    I've seen video of a guy getting his penis chopped off with a samurai sword for adultery and video of a guy getting fucked by a horse. Combined, they are less revolting than reading that grand jury presentment.
  11. Chef2

    Chef2 Well-Known Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    illmil: you need to find something better to watch.
  12. Lugnuts

    Lugnuts Well-Known Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    Naturally the ad I'm seeing right now to the left on my screen says 'Lions Pride'-- an Under Armour ad for Penn State apparel.
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