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Penn State AD charged with perjury -- *UPDATE 2* Sandusky Arrested Again

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by linotype, Nov 5, 2011.

  1. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    Took a venture over to a Penn State message board, to see the tone.

    Seems like most of the people are revolted and now basically anticipate Paterno will be fired or resigned in short order. The discussions seemed to parallel ours here - What could have been done? What should have been done? Who was obligated to do what?

    There are a few stray nutjobs. Someone started a thread about how the kids will respond this Saturday. (Someone chimed in that they are a "resilient" bunch and will use it for "motivation!") Saw someone call the coverage of Paterno this week "disrespectful." A couple others are trying to get traction on a Brian Kelly scissor lift talking point, i.e. what Kelly did was worse and no one was calling for his firing, etc., etc., etc.

    YGBFKM Guest

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

  3. BitterYoungMatador2

    BitterYoungMatador2 Well-Known Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    The irony of all of this is a lot of this could have been avoided if Joe Paterno had been the man of high moral character that we have been told that he is for all these years.

    As for booing, I'd rather they not show up and cheer Silas and whoever the fuck at all. Wanna' protest? Let a national TV audience see an empty stadium. Of course, I know the Kool Aid is strong in this state so that won't happen.
  4. murphyc

    murphyc Well-Known Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    Evil, I'm not seeing many people saying JoePa is the only guilty person as far as not reporting while everyone else (especially the GA) is innocent. Seems like many are saying the GA is just as wrong for not calling the cops as JoePa.

    On a different note, regardless of what happens with JoePa and other leaders, I have to think PSU will get butchered on the recruiting trail for years to come, which I believe 93Devil mentioned. If I had a 17-year-old son who was looking at colleges to play football at, no way in hell would he be going to Penn State after this mess. I imagine a lot of that type of thinking is going on and you know rival Big 10 coaches are feeding on that.
  5. derwood

    derwood Active Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    64,000 dollar question: Did AD and rent-a-cop meet with Sanduski before making that brain dead report to the president?
  6. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    I keep hoping for one hero to emerge from this story that only cared about what was right. Same way I feel whenever a new Catholic church story comes out. In both cases, I'm going to be waiting a long time. These institutions just cultivate blind loyalty to the institution above all else. It's frightening.
  7. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    This is a great point. The schools and teams that act as if they are trying to hide something usually are.
  8. BitterYoungMatador2

    BitterYoungMatador2 Well-Known Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    Joe requested people "trust the Penn State name" in his statement yesterday. It's a nice way of saying, "We've duped you for 40 years, why would you stop letting us now?"
  9. printdust

    printdust New Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    Penn State alumni respond to Joe with: "Its a shame what happened to those kids, but can we just get back to playing football? We have bowl aspirations and travel plans to deal with!"
  10. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    It shocks me that this never hit the rumor mill at all.

    When I covered high schools, for example, I knew every coach in the area that had been rumored to mess with cheerleaders. Seems like a lot of people knew about Sandusky, no? You would think that it would have filtered out at some point. And maybe it did, even if it was as ambiguous as people saying he was, "weird." But I'm not getting that at all right now.
  11. wicked

    wicked Well-Known Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    It's apparent the guy was very discreet about his buggering.

    The news on the grand jury did come out a few months ago, but it was pretty muted.
  12. NoOneLikesUs

    NoOneLikesUs Active Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    A real long shot, but do any player or players step up and sit out as a form of protest on Saturday? There has to be some that are truly sickened by all of this.
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