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Penn State AD charged with perjury -- *UPDATE 2* Sandusky Arrested Again

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by linotype, Nov 5, 2011.

  1. Jim_Carty

    Jim_Carty Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    Victim's mom's speak out. Sara Ganim is doing some terrific work about a horrific situation:

  2. Johnny Dangerously

    Johnny Dangerously Well-Known Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    What time is the alleged presser?
  3. imjustagirl

    imjustagirl Active Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation


    That quote is not related to Sandusky, or child rape, or anything else. It's just saying that it's easier when your school is big shit and more remote to push things under the rug. Ohio State also gets stuff swept under the rug. Miami. Duke. Duh. No one's saying they're not.

    But they took THAT QUOTE and moved on from it. They didn't say Cope knew about Sandusky. Never even HINTED at it. It was an entry point to a post in which they asked for dirt on PSU. It's a lead-in. It's a hook.

    Jesus Christ.

    Oh, and 93D? Way to amp it up with the "no personal attack" of "Go. Fuck. Yourself." Stay classy. But I'm sure it will stay on the board, as all of your posts do.
  4. Captain_Kirk

    Captain_Kirk Well-Known Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    I hear you. Was really responding to a couple posts above yours.
  5. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    Settle down Beavis IJAG. I'm in agreement with you. I never insinuated otherwise.
  6. MrHavercamp

    MrHavercamp Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    The Penn State/JoePa alum apologists are as pathetic as the people who run this school. Yes, let's throw only the GA under the bus and give coaching legend a pass. And Paterno deserves to be called every name he's being called. He's gutless because he cared more about preserving his legacy from scandal than protecting innocent little boys.
  7. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    P.S.: Will this presser be on TV? Please say yes.
  8. imjustagirl

    imjustagirl Active Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    BYH: You said "i'm with you" when 93Devil was posting the same shit he said above. So no, you're not with me.

    Posted this on FB. THIS is how you do a front page.

    Harrisburg has been getting a lot of love, and rightfully so. Here's an example why:

  9. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    I didn't know that Mary Carillo was an attorney.
  10. TigerVols

    TigerVols Well-Known Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    You didn't? They usually mention it a few times every broadcast.
  11. FileNotFound

    FileNotFound Well-Known Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    Joe Paterno is not a man of honor. Neither are most of the other people in authority positions who knew about this and did nothing. But Paterno -- more than anybody else -- had the power in his hands to get Sandusky locked up and/or make sure he got the help he needed to not violate young children. He didn't do it. Because he didn't do it, more young children were violated. He does not deserve to be on a football field ever again for as long as he lives. And don't feed me any shit about how he was protecting Pennsylvania State University. Maybe that was an ancillary benefit, but he was protecting the brand name of Coach Joe Paterno first and foremost. No honor.

    The men currently playing football for Penn State do not deserve to be punished. They had nothing to do with this. They should be allowed to play their games and hear their cheers and enjoy whatever privilege is afforded to Division I football players.

    But Paterno and everybody who *is* involved in this case needs to quit pretending like they can go on like nothing ever happened and they need to go away, NOW, and show back up only when they are summoned to appear before a judge.

    The only thing I want to hear at this press conference from Paterno is, "I resign, effective immediately." Four words and GTFO. Anything other than that is industrial-grade bullshit and needs to be treated as such.
  12. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    Wow. The Front Page Editorial is not a well you can go to often, but this case warrants it, and they delivered.

    My only quibble is calling for this to be Paterno's last season. He should be cleaning out his desk right now.

    To allow him to finish out the season is to let him walk away with some dignity, and "on his own terms", since it would be termed a retirement.

    It would be protecting him, the program, and the University.

    None of it is deserved. Joe should go right now.
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