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Penn State AD charged with perjury -- *UPDATE 2* Sandusky Arrested Again

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by linotype, Nov 5, 2011.

  1. TeamBud

    TeamBud Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    No, I'd wait on Spanier too. If the DA, who knows more about this than you or I, didn't charge them with failure to report, I'm not going to either.
  2. Armchair_QB

    Armchair_QB Well-Known Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    It's only Wednesday. My guess is he coaches Senior Day this weekend then takes a leave of absence.

    Like you I shudder to think what the Badger fans will have waiting for him. The make the Dookies look like a bunch of choir boys.
  3. JackReacher

    JackReacher Well-Known Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    Not sure if it was true or a joke, but I saw on twitter that JoPa will sit down with Tom Rinaldi at 1 p.m. Anyone else hearing that?

    Didn't Rinaldi get the first Tiger interview?
  4. TigerVols

    TigerVols Well-Known Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    Cool. Maybe he can ask him my legacy question.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 1, 2015
  5. suburbia

    suburbia Active Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    Per ESPN.com, JoePa announced that he will retire at season's end.

  6. LongTimeListener

    LongTimeListener Well-Known Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    He's still barking orders at the whole university. The fuck they shouldn't be talking more about it. They should be asking themselves why the hell they are allowing him the king's exit.
  7. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    I hope he keeps talking about this. He's coming off very poorly, and he deserves to have every shred of his reputation chipped away by his own words and actions.
  8. dooley_womack1

    dooley_womack1 Well-Known Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    I truly don't think Penn State will be permanently wrecked. There's too much churn in our culture; nothing stays in the consciousness long. For example, it seems to be no longer of much importance that Bin Laden was taken out.
  9. Ben_Hecht

    Ben_Hecht Active Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation


    The man thinks he's smarter than Al Davis was? He's dumber than a fifth-grader.

    If he makes it to Madison, those fans will eat him alive. And he'll deserve every stroke of it.

    All this, for a few more wins.

    Christ, what self-serving delusion.

    I hate Nebraska, and hope they castrate 'em.
  10. YGBFKM

    YGBFKM Guest

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    He's still trying to dictate everything on HIS terms. This whole statement is bullshit.

    I was talking to a friend of mine who's a PSU grad, and he was generally outraged, although he said he didn't believe Paterno was actively involved in a cover-up. I agree. HOWEVER, this was going on far enough back and for a long enough time that Paterno knew something bad was going on in HIS program. The program he takes so much pride in.

    His role in this, the complicated reality of who he is, the perception and the ultimate judgment of him remind me of Patterson Hood's spoken-word take on George Wallace in "The Three Great Alabama Icons":

    Now Wallace was for all practical purposes the Governor of Alabama from 1962 until 1986… Once, when a law prevented him from succeeding himself he ran his wife Lerline in his place and she won by a landslide… He's most famous as the belligerent racist voice of the segregationist South… Standing in the doorways of schools and waging a political war against a Federal Government that he decried as hypocritical… And Wallace had started out as a lawyer and a judge with a very progressive and humanitarian track record for a man of his time. But he lost his first bid for governor in 1958 by hedging on the race issue, against a man who spoke out against integration… Wallace ran again in '62 as a staunch segregationist and won big, and for the next decade spoke out loudly… He accused Kennedy and King of being communists. He was constantly on national news, representing the “good‿ people of Alabama… And you know race was only an issue on TV in the house that I grew up in… Wallace was viewed as a man from another time and place… And when I first ventured out of the South, I was shocked at how strongly Wallace was associated with Alabama and its people… Ya know racism is a worldwide problem and it's been since the beginning of recorded history… and it ain't just white and black… But thanks to George Wallace, it's always a little more convenient to play it with a Southern accent. And bands like Lynyrd Skynyrd attempted to show another side of the South… One that certainly exists, but few saw beyond the rebel flag… And this applies not only to their critics and detractors, but also from their fans and followers. So for a while, when Neil Young would come to town, he'd get death-threats down in Alabama… Ironically, in 1971, after a particularly racially charged campaign, Wallace began backpedaling, and he opened up Alabama politics to minorities at a rate faster than most Northern states or the Federal Government. And Wallace spent the rest of his life trying to explain away his racist past, and in 1982 won his last term in office with over 90% of the black vote… Such is the Duality of the Southern Thing… And George Wallace died back in '98 and he's in Hell now, not because he's a racist… His track record as a judge and his late-life quest for redemption make a good argument for his being, at worst, no worse than most white men of his generation, North or South… But because of his blind ambition and his hunger for votes, he turned a blind eye to the suffering of Black America. And he became a pawn in the fight against the Civil Rights cause…

    Joe Paterno, the ONE MAN who could have put a stop to this, turned a blind eye to suffering because it served his best interests. For that, he deserves to have his legacy tarnished forever. At the very least.
  11. Webster

    Webster Well-Known Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    If the Trustees have any balls, he doesn't get to go to another practice. There is no grey area.
  12. Gutter

    Gutter Well-Known Member

    Re: Penn State AD charged with perjury in Sandusky investigation

    Finally, a purpose for the Eat S***-F*** You chant in Madison.
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