Shirley: "Just what makes that little old ant think he can move a rubber tree plant Anyone knows an ant can't move a rubber tree plant. But he's got ... what, laverne? Laverne: "A hernia."
I may be in the minority here, but I believe people owe it to themselves and their immediate circle, barring a physical impediment, to take reasonable care of their appearance as they age. Now it's all relative, but staying moderately fit and active saves money (both personally and collectively) and makes most activities more enjoyable.
Editude, for what it's worth, I concur. Beyond saving money and enjoying activities, being moderately fit can also add significant time and value to your life. Still, I don't know that there's much value in posting a picture just to rip on someone. I guess some people enjoy that stuff. But hey, what do I know, I'm just a "newbie."
The photo is pretty much the way she has looked for years now. I will say, though, she has become a bit Muppetesque.
I'm all for general fitness, but I'm not shocked or appalled because a 64-year-old women has gained weight over the past four or five years.
At her age, let's see ... A few extra pounds and disease-free? Or, skinny and spending three days a week taking chemo?