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Phony Soldiers Say: We're not kicking ass.

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Flying Headbutt, Oct 27, 2007.

  1. Flying Headbutt

    Flying Headbutt Moderator Staff Member

    Murtha is corrupt and is an asshole. But he's no phony soldier. Rush used phony soldiers when talking about those against the war. You may think differently, but having heard what he said in full context, and having listened to him far more than you think I have before, I know he's exactly capable of and willing to say the thing he did. He may not have meant it, and it may have just been an instance of foot in mouth, but he said it. He did.
  2. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    You're bringing Thompson into this debate? Why not bring in John Lennon or Abbie Hoffman?

    Rush is a demagogue who appeals to the basest instincts of Americans.

    He has the intellectual depth of a piece of plywood.

    If you want to align yourself with a guy who uses the phrase "feminazis", be my guest.

    It just diminishes you.
  3. old_tony

    old_tony Well-Known Member

    But seeing as freedom is the basest instinct, I don't see how that's a bad thing.
  4. Ben_Hecht

    Ben_Hecht Active Member

    Race- and class-baiting . . . all class, all the way . . .
  5. old_tony

    old_tony Well-Known Member

    As opposed to character assassination ... ::)
  6. Chi City 81

    Chi City 81 Guest

    Like saying Bill Clinton had Vince Foster killed?
  7. jgmacg

    jgmacg Guest

    That patent being held by Mr. Limbaugh, I can see where borrowing the technique would constitute a kind of copyright infringement.
  8. old_tony

    old_tony Well-Known Member

    When it was clearly Hillary who had him killed.

    (Alright, I'm just kidding!)
  9. hondo

    hondo Well-Known Member

    I'll be the judge of what diminishes or enriches me, thank you very much. Or are you in the Fenian camp, the type of person who believes they know what's best for everyone but themselves.
    Feminazis just happens to be a dead-on description of some of those ladies in the feminist movement, who also want to decide what's best for everyone else.
    Again, don't mistake someone with whom you disagree with lacking intellectual capacity. It proves that your depth isn't any more than that piece of plywood.
  10. hondo

    hondo Well-Known Member

    I don't know if Vince Foster was killed by anyone other than his own, which is the official version. Someone wrote a book once and said LBJ had Kennedy killed. Hunter Thompson actually wrote an article that indicated his belief that Nixon had something to do with it. Oliver Stone's movie fingered everyone and anyone. I don't see Oliver Stone receiving any of your vitrol.
  11. HejiraHenry

    HejiraHenry Well-Known Member

    He. Never. Said. That.

    And I suspect you know that, but it's easy to lie because nobody on this board will call bullshit.

  12. Flying Headbutt

    Flying Headbutt Moderator Staff Member

    Call bullshit all you want. You're wrong. You and others have called bullshit and still been wrong about it. You're wrong tonight. You'll be wrong tomorrow. And you'll be wrong as long as you perpetuate the lies and bullshit carried on by that hypocritical blowhard. Nothing was taken out of context. He's simply trying to change the context to suit his sullied name.
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