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Pitbull Rapes Child

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by heyabbott, Jul 20, 2007.

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  1. Oggiedoggie

    Oggiedoggie Well-Known Member

    This is the ass wipe:

    This is the ass:

    Any questions?
  2. PhilaYank36

    PhilaYank36 Guest

    Dear God, I don't know what's worse: this or the dude in Florida who killed a five-year-old by feeding it to alligators.
  3. boots

    boots New Member

    Yes that was a very wretched story as well.
  4. eiregi

    eiregi Member

    Living in the Buffalo area, the media has reported in a very factual and muted sense. They have interviewed law authorities and animal experts looking for the facts and possible causes. The SPCA did say that animal had possibly picked up a scent and acted on instinct, if the animal had been fixed they said the animal probably would not have reacted this way. A terrible situation all around. I have had breeder dogs (Newfs) and I agree once they pick up a scent, it's no holds bar, be it dig under a fence... snap a 4' x 6' concreted run... finding one a half mile away hanging at st. bernards house... tongue wagging.... hoping she'll come out... yeesh they do what they got to do. Some media outlets have reported that the mother sent the boy into another room to get his diaper. Fix your pets if you do not planning breeding them. I had a Rot that was fixed that I could swear he was the reincarnation of Jack Giford in "Cocoon", I was tempted to send him 21's famous parents
  5. boots

    boots New Member

    I have bred doberman's and labs and I know what you're talking about. You shined a little more light on the situation by saying that they child went into the room for a diaper. I'm going to assume that the child's bottom was exposed at the time.
  6. farmerjerome

    farmerjerome Active Member

    What a horrible, tragic story. I'm sure there are worse things that could happen to a child, but I can't think of any right now.
  7. I can't read these fucking stories where bad things happen to kids ... I just can't take it.

    And I don't know what parent in their right mind would have a pit bull in the house with a child. I think the dogs are dangerous. I've written about 10 stories with families' "docile" pit bulls attacking children. We had one recently where the dog was supposedly playfully chasing an older kid around in the house, saw a toddler and went for the toddler's throat and swung the kid around like a chew toy until he died.

    These dogs are like wild animals. They go wild at some point.
  8. boots

    boots New Member

    Do you have a pet? Do you know anything about dogs? If you did, you would know that it its physically impossible for a dog to grab someone, pull their pants down and insert themselves inside that person.
    But after reading where the child went in another room for a diaper, one can only assume that the child's bottom was exposed and the rest we know.
    This is a sad situation. I pray for this child and his family.
    In the meantime, I suggest you pick up a few books about dogs or better yet, purchase one. You may learn something and even better, it may keep you away from a computer for a few hours. Hell, you may even take the dog out for a walk and meet someone and have a meaningful conversation with someone in person.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2014
  9. IU90

    IU90 Member

    Hmm, boots, with 8,264 posts and 9.3 post per day average, is sanctimoniously lecturing NR, with 374 posts and a 7 ppd average, that he needs to get away from the computer, go out, and meet real people for a change. No hypocrisy here.
  10. boots

    boots New Member

    The thread is not about me. It's about a child being injured by a pet dog.
  11. Football_Bat

    Football_Bat Well-Known Member

    BEEP ... BEEP ... BEEP ...
  12. markvid

    markvid Guest

    But you sure had to throw it out that you breed dogs.
    Yeah, it's not about you.
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