My best flub was a girls' basketball tournament story. I hit the spacebar at the wrong time and "that it's strength" came out as "tha tit's strength." Not sure what "tit strength" actually is...but I am for it!
My part-timer at the time said he fell off the shitter laughing and had to call me to tell me. Not sure if it was pre- or post-wipe.
I've seen softball stories describing how Betty Brickhouse "came through with two big tits in clutch situations."
During one of my stops as a newsside copy editor, walked in and saw the sports guy in hysterics. So I asked what was up, and he told me AP had moved an advisory to kill all copies of a baseball gamer because it had a profanity. So he looked for the original story and saw reference to someone hitting a "two-run shit." Of course we complied ... but not before making prints for ourselves.
i dunno, bubs. if you can't tell the guy he's a fuckstain in the middle of the season and have to resort to this type of shit ... you're, IMO, a big vagina.
One of our shooters put Romensko's story on my Facebook page ... not the update:
Its funny you mention this. One of the writers at my shop was telling me he was talking to a local high school softball coach last season and the coach was telling him it's a circle and not a mound. The writer interviewed him a few weeks ago and the coach used mound in a quote.
I always made sure to mention circle and not old publisher who used to be the SE told me to stop since "it's confusing" to the readers and to use mound. I left the job before the following softball season, so not sure if that ever got resolved.