I totally agree. And I think the community -- of all races -- should lambast the local police agencies until they actually get off their asses and find the girl.
HOUSTON (AP) — A 19-year-old Texas A&M University student was killed by her ex-boyfriend, who then dismembered and burned her body on a patio grill, authorities said Saturday. Investigators say Timothy Wayne Shepherd, 27, confessed Wednesday to strangling Tynesha Stewart because he was angry she had begun a new relationship. Shepherd, who is charged with murder, is being held on $250,000 bond. “We have determined through this investigation that the defendant dismembered Tynesha Stewart and ... he burned the body parts,†Harris County Sheriff Tommy Thomas said. “There are no remaining body parts.†The announcement Saturday ended a debate in the Houston area about whether law-enforcement officials should launch a massive and expensive search of the area’s overflowing landfills in hopes of finding Stewart’s remains. Officials first thought that the body had been disposed in a large commercial trash bin that had since been emptied. Sheriff’s investigators had decided against launching a costly and time-consuming search for Stewart’s remains, angering her family and friends. Complaints from activists and lawmakers prompted Thomas to get emergency approval to spend up to $500,000 for a search. Thomas said he knew, but could not disclose, that there were no body parts to find. He said investigators were unable to release that information to the public or to Stewart’s family because of the investigation. Stewart’s family has since been advised, and understands why there will be no search, Thomas said.
I'm a little late to this, I know, but if I'm a parent, I don't want my child being pulled off the trash pile. And until you mentioned the line I put in bold, my honest to God thought was I don't want to see tax money going to this type of a search. Because you mentioned that line, now I feel guilty about my thoughts, like, "gee, I suppose we should look for it now..." And I don't like feeling that way. So to me, race is a factor only because it was brought into the conversation. And it shouldn't be that way; people are people, regardless of race. So this isn't to you, per se, but I hate it when people do throw someone's race into a situation.
They need to search for the body because if the suspect retracts his confession the state is in a world of hurt without it.
And normally, Zizzer, I would be the first person to decry the unnecessary mention of race in a story like this. However, being from Texas, I know all too well that racism is alive and well in this area, and I also know how this likely would have played had the victim been white.