The Uruk Hai refer to themselves as Fighting Uruk Hai, and since they were created when Saruman bred men and goblins, well, all they do is fight. Hence, all uruk hai would be proud of the name "Fighting Uruk Hai." [/LOTR dork]
Somehow, I'm not surprised. This league has been Carolinas-based since Longwood (there's your quote function) left the league to go Division I. And only they would come up with a logo this bad. Pride of Thomasville ... On subject, if you HAVE to ask ...
No, Josiah would inform you that Obscurey McIrrelevant founding a fishing village here in 15-aught-bumfuck. But his advisors in the New Hampshire statehouse would offer you that slogan. And thank you for coming up with that grounder deeeeeeeeep in the hole.
Born in Shackelford County, Texas, then moved one town over when I was 3 about the time my little brother was born (Dad figured out farming wasn't going to pay for three kids). We headed up to Wentzville, Mo., in the summer of '71, then to just outside Camden, Ark., the following spring. Shifted down to Magnolia about 3 1/2 years later before going back to the Texas town we left five years earlier. Survived high school in a place best described as a Friday Night Lights starter kit and went to college in Waco, Cisco and Canyon. Other than a short stint in New Mexico (not Clovis or Roswell, but the same district), I've spent my entire career in Texas, most of the time west of Snyder (there were a couple of rags in East Texas that hired me, but I apparently can't handle trees). There was also that six-month cultural exchange deal in Portugal back in the college days, and I spent a few months out in Las Vegas between newspaper gigs, but I always wind up returning to that vast cultural wasteland that is West Texas. Now would somebody get ahold of Rosie (does she still come here?) and tell her Minnesoooooooooota is woefully underrespresented?
I was hoping to use this for Virginia, but it appears I can't. Alabama: The Mother of Sports Journalists.