Born in Florida, lived in Louisiana, New Jersey, New York, Illinois, Wyoming, Colorado, Oklahoma, California, and now Texas.
Born and raised in Delaware, first gig in New Hampshire, now working in New Jersey, but still living in Delaware.
I thought there were more than 7 Va. folks. Maybe it just feels like more... Born and raised in the Lehighton, Pa. metropolitan area, college in Bethlehem (pronounced beth-LUM, apparently to distinguish as a lower-rent, dumber cousin to the place of Biblical lore), now in the west end of beautiful Alexandria, Virginny. Once upon a time, I'd have been the only one to vote DC! Not that DC can vote or anything.
I grew up and lived in New Jersey until I was 37, and moved to California 15 years ago. I still miss the Taylor Ham, Italian Hot Dogs, and Yankee Doodles.
Oh, you could have voted. You'd just get no rep in the SJ House or Senate. I can think of at least 10 Va. SJers off the top of my head, but not everyone's voting. Given all the Southerners onboard, perhaps we should change the name to