Glad I know someone Another long-ago fave when I rolled spliffs longer than my forearm in one of the wonderful lands of the globe. "Sun in Shining" by Finley Quaye
Doctor's Advocate - The Game feat. Busta Rhymes This song is so great because The Game is actually drunk as he raps it. It's pure emotion.
I know this is a completely random question, but did you see her on that one-hit wonders show NBC had on a few summers ago? She aged pretty well.
plimsouls were awesome i saw peter case once and was barking out names of obscure old plimsouls songs and he took it really well (but didn't play any of them)
No, but I wish I had. I had a little boner for her back in the day. Now for all the old-schoolios in da SJ house ... EPMD
The Reflex by Duran Duran is currently on Music Choice The 80s And I offer this trivia question: Duran Duran was a musical guest on Saturday Night Live in 1983. Who was the guest host?