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Prep sports editor, Athens (Ga.)

Discussion in 'Journalism Jobs' started by John Kaltefleiter, Dec 6, 2007.

  1. Breakyoself

    Breakyoself Member

    how does that do with the cost of living?
  2. John

    John Well-Known Member

    You can live fine there on 30K.
  3. Yawn

    Yawn New Member

    You guys must all be planning celibate lives with no family to live on 30K in that part of the country - any part of the country. 25-27 would be monk like. Hope you have a nurse for a wife.
  4. deskslave

    deskslave Active Member

    Nah. You can definitely make it on 25 there. Remember, there's a ton of apartment complexes there, and the fact that you're not a student will help. You can get a one-bedroom for under $500, I'm willing to guess.

    Still, John, 30K? Which ABH are you talking about?

    And Jen, seems like you're moving into Georgia gymnastics at a very interesting time. I'm sure 98 percent of the folks here will roll their eyes. Anyone who's worked in Ga. or Ala. knows better, though.
  5. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    in all sincerity, i'd love the gymnastics end of jen's gig.
  6. HoopsMcCann

    HoopsMcCann Active Member

    this is one fantastic gig for a youngster looking for a great way to break in big in the biz. this isn't your typical preps editor job. it's one small step to a college beat. you'll also get to cover some pretty darn good football and basketball while doing preps there.

    you're also going to be lucky to work for one of the best people i know, in or out of the biz, in john from texas. texas is also a guy who comes from the preps side and knows how to do it right. you won't be a second-class citizen. friday nights are a blast. you'll deal with some good folks on that beat -- plus you'll get to go to a commerce-jefferson game, which is one of my favorite events out there.

    the pay isn't going to wow you, but you can live a nice life in one of the nicest places on earth.

    the executive editor is also fantastic.

    there's the usual bullshit of any newspaper job and the publisher is a half-flushed piece of shit, but even with that in mind, i can't recommend this job any higher. great gig, great people, great place.
  7. John is one of the most outspoken Sports Editors the ABH has had in a looongggg time, and sometimes when I read his stuff I drop my jaw and ask "did he really just say that?" (John, I am thinking back to your "wife-beater" column ;-) )

    Cost of living in Athens is not necessarily that cheap anymore (at least compared to Atlanta, but definitely cheaper than many other cities) . But restaurants are generally cheaper, and you will see some great college sporting events here. Be aware that we are in the midst of an extreme drought and the water supply is in really bad shape.

    If considering this position, you might want to talk to guys like Chip Towers at the AJC or Marc Lancaster at the Tampa Tribune, as they both worked there earlier in their careers (albeit long before John took the SE job).

    One last thing, unless things have changed, you will have to pay for your parking at the newsroom and are required to pay for a subscription to the paper. (John, has that changed?)
  8. If you are single with no wife or kids....
  9. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    that's all that matters to half the people on this board, and half of them couldn't fathom thinking about anybody else other than themselves anyway.
  10. bigpern23

    bigpern23 Well-Known Member

    Please tell me that was supposed to be written in blue font.
  11. Please tell me that was supposed to be written in blue font.

  12. bigpern23

    bigpern23 Well-Known Member

    Sorry ... the blue font is used around here by people for sarcastic remarks. It's amazing to me that a newspaper would charge for parking (I'm sure they would complain like hell if UGA charged their writers for parking) and to pay for a subscription (circ. inflation anyone?). Seems pretty ridiculous to me.
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