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President Biden: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Jan 20, 2021.

  1. micropolitan guy

    micropolitan guy Well-Known Member

    Had a friend who went on the Dolly Parton diet. Lost 40 pounds. Joe lean, Joe lean.
    swingline, Fred siegle and maumann like this.
  2. Driftwood

    Driftwood Well-Known Member

    I'm not a member of the bar, but I have been thrown out of a couple.
  3. garrow

    garrow Well-Known Member

    Donny, Donny, why you dye your hair?
    Why you always sitting in your mother's chair?
    So, baby, why's who's coup? Oh, dude, I know you too
    Tell me, did the other lawyers scold on you?

    If I come on to the team?
    Ooh, will you let me show you what I mean?
    Will you let me come on inside?
    Oh, will you let it slide?

    Can I have some felony? (All I want is a felony)
    Felony for me, please (for all of the things I really do need)
    If I'd some felony (I'd surely take another)
    I'd take enough to please me

    I need a felony, huh, yeah, for what is ailin' me
    You see, huh, I need a felony, for what is ailin' me
    I need a felony, yeah, for what's ailin' me
    If I'd only had a felony, you see, I'll find it
    You see, baby, I want it, you see, I'll find it
    Oh, I really want, really want it
    I need a felony, felony, felony, felony, felony, felony
    I Should Coco likes this.
  4. Regan MacNeil

    Regan MacNeil Well-Known Member

    Fuck everyone's Sleepy Merrick bullshit.

  5. I Should Coco

    I Should Coco Well-Known Member

    When the Black Crowes released that song, I could have sworn the backup singers were singing, “Can I have some lemonade …”
    garrow likes this.
  6. tapintoamerica

    tapintoamerica Well-Known Member

    And tax evasion.
  7. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    Part of the audition for the Biden DOJ (and any position in the administration) should have been to present documentation to file 50 felony charges against Fatfuck by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2021, with many hundred more to follow.

    Rapid fire indictments of MAGA dupes to follow.
  8. garrow

    garrow Well-Known Member

  9. three_bags_full

    three_bags_full Well-Known Member

    Fuck Hope Hicks. She enabled that shitshow and deserves to feel horrible about it.
    Killick, matt_garth, garrow and 7 others like this.
  10. goalmouth

    goalmouth Well-Known Member

    Oops, thought that was from Corey's to-do list.
    bumpy mcgee likes this.
  11. three_bags_full

    three_bags_full Well-Known Member

    Would’ve worked for Bill Clinton, too, I guess.
  12. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Can you imagine Trump doing something like that? I can't. Then again, I doubt Hamil would do something like that with the former president. He is not a fan.

    garrow likes this.
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