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President Biden: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Jan 20, 2021.

  1. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    Just since teevee. Once upon a time --- four times, in fact --- we elected a president in a wheelchair.

    Manning had Von Miller. Dems have no one.

    And Biden spent a full week in Aaron Rodgers' rejuvenation cave . . . for THAT.

    I'm guessing "on the fence" basically means on the fence about getting off the couch and voting or staying home.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2024 at 1:35 AM
  2. SoloFlyer

    SoloFlyer Well-Known Member

    Republicans bicker and fight, but they rally behind their nominees when it's time for the general election.

    Democrats don't. There will be Democrats who sit out this election for "moral reasons" because Biden doesn't 100% align with their values or because they're concerned he's too old.

    Democrats will cut off their nose to spite their face and then whine about how unfair life is. Republicans will beat themselves to a bloody pulp, slam their own head into a sink, and emerge blood streaked and crazed from the bathroom like Jim Carrey in Liar, Liar and blame the Democrats.
  3. SoloFlyer

    SoloFlyer Well-Known Member

    It's the old peak Howard Stern effect - half his listeners loved him and listened because they couldn't wait to hear what he said next, and half his listeners despised him but couldn't stop listening because they wanted to hear what he said next.

    Trump feeds into the absolute worst characteristics of modern culture and the media. He's terminally online. He's a former president, so everything he says and does is deemed newsworthy. And the media - specifically cable news - loves the ratings they get from anything Trump related.

    Dubya and Obama don't have that kind of sizzle.

    Trump laps up the attention. His propaganda channels lavish praise, and the others help him feed his aggrieved, woe is me shtick.

    And this country just can't help itself. It's addicted.
  4. SoloFlyer

    SoloFlyer Well-Known Member

    Even then, FDR and his team did as much as they could to hide his wheelchair. Propped him up at podiums, waited until press left to have him get up, etc.

    As for the fence sitters, this isn't an election where the two candidates are relatively close in beliefs and are just uninspiring, so you're not motivated. They are massively far apart in beliefs. Could not be more opposite.

    Honestly, I think a lot of "undecideds" are lying. I think they've decided and they are pretending otherwise, either to hide their beliefs or to get some attention from reporters looking to talk to undecided voters.
  5. Slacker

    Slacker Well-Known Member

    Have Romney switch parties and get Biden to pass the baton.

    I'd go for that in a second. Then ask America who the strong candidate is now.
  6. SoloFlyer

    SoloFlyer Well-Known Member

    Romney is 77 and was against Roe v Wade.
  7. Slacker

    Slacker Well-Known Member

    Great, sign him up. He's in fine health, and the anti-abortion stance is doomed in the long run.

    I'm only half-serious, sure, but I'd like to see Romney bare his teeth and go after Trump in that scenario.
  8. TigerVols

    TigerVols Well-Known Member

    He’s done a heel turn and is a Trumper now, believe it or not.
  9. TigerVols

    TigerVols Well-Known Member

    There is zero chance Biden is not the Democratic nominee for president, barring a debilitating medical issue. He will not step down nor will he suddenly decide not to run again. It. Just. Doesn’t. Happen.
  10. Driftwood

    Driftwood Well-Known Member

    I didn't watch, and I'm not going back through 20 pages here to confirm what I already knew. A quick glance took care of that.

    Biden bumbled and looked like the Crypt Keeper but actually made good points that no one will notice.
    Trump was a rambling liar selling bullshit to the mouth breathers.
    Partisan media outlets already had their stories in the can but just needed a couple of quotes and pics to cover their point.
    Nobody watching changed their minds, and the minds that need to be won weren't watching. It's June.
    Neither of these people need to be running for president for a number of reasons.

    Did I leave anything out?
  11. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    Partially right. ... The fact that the bias on this board is that Biden makes "good points" is so out of touch with reality. At his best (and he's not at his best anymore, obviously), he's a Santa Claus politician who has an answer for how he is going to manage everyone's life and create prosperity. ... When in reality he's the same old arsonist riding in on the fire truck. He creates jobs. He made such and such free. He waved his magic wand and made your debt magically disappear (without any conseqeunce whatsoever). The kitchen table in Scranton. Yeah, he gets how bad things feel. ... but it's GREED, all we need is for that guy to pay his "fair share"! Number one, number two, blah blah blah.

    Decades of that, and our government getting bigger (to justify itself) and swallowing up our financial lives, while we have monetized trillions of dollars debt to enable corruption and ineficiency that has left the vast majority of people doing worse financially as time goes on. This is why there is so much angst and polarization. People in the lower half financially, intuitively know that even the politicians of that ilk who could articulate their bullshit about how they were going to make everything costless and price fix prosperity and create 1000 new government programs that would fix the the problems they were responsible for in the first place (something Biden can't do -- he was never as likeable or as intelligent as say Obama, even when he was a younger man) have been the problem. So when he persists with the same old stuff, he's not making "good points." It's tired bullshit that just doesn't sound quite as absurd to you as the nonsensical bullshit you get from Donald Trump.

    That doesn't mean that an immoral bullshit artist carnival act, who enabled more of the same in reality as president (but did it with a lot of chaos), is what the country needs, obviously. But anyone who thinks it's purely a style over substance thing (there are the enlightened, and there are mouthbreathers) has their head up their ass. Donald Trump would be laughed out of any voting booth by millions of people if we hadn't let our country get to where it is, especially after he tried to steal the election and fomented an insurrecion. ... instead he was already viable BEFORE that shitshow for Biden last night. It's not because most people aren't as enlightened as you are. It's that most people feel like they are choosing between poop and vomit, and some of you think it's enough to say, "But Trump is vomit!"

    It's not.

    When the typical person gets into bed at night, they aren't worrying about Donald Trump's legal problems or the dumb, vaguely racist thing he said earlier in the day or how he can't speak for 2 minutes without 20 ridiculous lies coming out of his mouth. They are anxious about having to have gotten a second job to make ends meet, or they are obsessing because their rent has gotten waymore expensive, or they are thinking about the insurance bill they can't afford, or worrying about the prices they now see at the grocery store. They may not understand the connection between that and the bullshit promises they bought for decades from politicians like Joe Biden that got us us to where we are at. But they intuitively know that Joe Biden doesn't make "good points." How many politicians promising free stuff and a government solution for everything can come along -- while people fall further and further behind, before people start to say -- "Yeah, I'm not buying that crap anymore'? Where has it gotten me?" Then. ... add in how feeble Biden looked last night, and it was an absolute disaster. We are going to reap what we have sowed regardless of which of these absurd choices wins.

    Trump actually benefits from not being Biden, as much as Biden benefits from being anyone except Trump. And a disproportionate number of people on this particular thread seem clueless about that fact.
    maumann likes this.
  12. Michael_ Gee

    Michael_ Gee Well-Known Member

    Ragu, it just isn't true voters see things through your admirably consistent if mistaken political-economic worldview. People are NOT feeling they're falling further and further behind. If they did, TSA wouldn't be setting all-time passenger screening records. Every restaurant in my town, from the fanciest to the clam stands, wouldn't have been slammed last night. People resent high prices. Always have, always will. But they adjust, and so do the prices. As for the free stuff, try taking any of the government's benefits away from people, even benefits they don't use, like WIC. That's always unpopular. Every single democratic government in the world is unpopular right now (ask Macron! ask the Tories!!) and that surely can't be due to American economic policy, the governments are too diverse. I continue to believe that no one has really processed or recovered from the trauma of the pandemic, and that the impact of at a minimum a severely disrupted year of life (others suffered much more, like the loss of loved ones), is powerfully affecting political judgments, but that's just a theory I know.
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