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President Biden: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Jan 20, 2021.

  1. cyclingwriter2

    cyclingwriter2 Well-Known Member

    Without outing myself because I’ve told this story in numerous places and media, it was 1986 and we were in Virginia. My father decides to ask for grits because we had never seen them on a menu. They come up and my dad stare at it. Says, “this is just cream of wheat” and proceeds to pour some syrup on there. Waitress (who didn’t look like Flo in reality, but in my memory it was actually Flo) sees what my dad is doing and loudly says, “I ain’t never seen anyone eat grits like that.”
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2024
  2. MisterCreosote

    MisterCreosote Well-Known Member

    Anyone else freaked out as a kid by the adolescent antichrist on the Farina box?

    2muchcoffeeman and garrow like this.
  3. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

    Probably the most important thing about cooking grits is to get enough salt in the water before you put the grits in. If you don't, you damn near can't add enough salt on the other end to correct it. I'm a salt and butter guy, but I can tolerate cheese grits. Love me a well prepared bowl of shrimp'n grits. My favorite BBQ house here has a specialty, grits and greens, which is a bed of cheese grits with a helping of turnip greens over them, topped by tender pulled pork and fried onion rings. Friggin' dynamite.

  4. Bud_Bundy

    Bud_Bundy Well-Known Member

    Guy was driving around the parking lot of a local shopping center today, one hand on the wheel, the other holding a sign out the driver's window that said "Democrats Make America Shitty Again" ...
  5. tapintoamerica

    tapintoamerica Well-Known Member

    Fair. I will stop that unnecessary phrase.
    jr/shotglass likes this.
  6. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    The politicians they have supported largely created "their pain." But you have more and more people who are massively in debt, working multiple jobs and still struggling to get by. And more and more of those people started tuning out the politicians they used to vote for. ... the ones who have a 100-point plan for everything and promise to make everything free. ... With Donald Trump, they turned to different snake oil. The isolationism, blame it on immigrants stuff is tried and true when large numbers of people are feeling financially stressed. It's actually what is driving the politics of most of the developed world right now. ... Those right wing, nationalist types have historically thrived in conditions like this. They offer ready-made scapegoats and feed the anger people feel when they feel like they are falling behind.

    Not coincidentally, when it comes to people feeling financial distress, "red states" have tended to struggle more than blue states, too. States with the Most People in Financial Distress

    I keep posting things like this, because there are new ones every week. And it never fails to piss people on here off. Stressed and stretched: Americans battle financial anxiety It's just the reality of this country, though. At any given time, I can find a survey like it from within the past few days.

    The number of people feeling financial anxiety in this country has risen a lot, it's actually been happening for the last couple of decades, slowly at first and at a faster clip more recently. The dramatic rise in consumer price "inflation" the last couple of years has hit a lot of people particularly hard. Wages in real terms haven't come close to keeping up. That kills people on the lower end of the income / wealth spectrum.

    You have a very small cohort at the top that has gotten much richer over the last few decades, a shrinking middle class that has fallen a bit behind, and an underclass that has been getting bigger.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2024
  7. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    Obviously he saw the price of grits and experienced economic anxiety.
  8. tapintoamerica

    tapintoamerica Well-Known Member

    It’s unnecessary and petty. I will refrain from further use.
    Alma, jr/shotglass and MileHigh like this.
  9. tapintoamerica

    tapintoamerica Well-Known Member

    There’s some deep-seated hatred of someone or something in that remark. Just a guess: There are plenty of people at every rally who were raised in part by grandparents.
  10. Twirling Time

    Twirling Time Well-Known Member

    The only thing I'm going to say is ... JFK ain't walking through that door. FDR ain't walking through that door. You go to war with the candidate you have.
  11. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

    I usually want seconds, so yes.
  12. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

    My mama served us that. Once.
    OscarMadison and franticscribe like this.
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