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President Trump: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Nov 12, 2016.

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  1. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

    Yeah, they are absolutely still slow walking everything they can, both in the House and Senate committees. Mark Warner has tried very hard to present a bilateral face on the Senate oversight, but he's getting tired of Burr being uncooperative. They only have four staffers on it, none of them lawyers and none on the Russia affair full time. There were eighty seven on the Benghazi investigation.
  2. doctorquant

    doctorquant Well-Known Member

    Did you even read the article? Like, say, the parts where it talked about what a good job Burr is doing?
  3. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

    They kind of put their foot in it sending Ivanka there. I imagine that the idea was for her to make nice with Angela Merkel and smooth over Trump being a dick to her, but nepotism is very much frowned upon in that society. Ivanka sitting there with a White House job and security clearance because of who her father is irritates the others involved, who are all high achievers who had to get there on their own.
  4. MisterCreosote

    MisterCreosote Well-Known Member

    I'm referring to each side's voters.

    Clinton was a terrible campaigner and certainly has her flaws, but the other choice was a mentally ill child.
  5. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    From my Vol board of deplorables. This pretty much sums up why the deplorables are basically pretty happy right now:

    "things Trump DIDN'T do in his first 100 days ...

    1. nominate a left wing activist and faux legislator to the Supreme Court to sit there for 25+ years and redefine the country and whittle the constitution to shreds

    2. Propose massive tax HIKES on the "rich"

    3. work toward implementation of MASSIVE gun control effectively stripping away the 2nd amendment before our very eyes

    3. Continue with Obamacare as "business as usual" and not even start a dialogue about the shitty system and work towards some type of reform or change

    4. Act like a giant "reset button" wielding pussy towards our enemies and show our allies the same

    5. Refuse to utter "radical islamic terrorism" and refuse to call out Muzzies for acting like the goat fukkers that they are

    6. Continue to let illegals pour in at will with zero repercussion or ramifications

    7. do everything BUT foster excitement with investors and capitalists and create an environment for job creation

    7. Add massive federal regulations and red tape vs slashing them and implementing a system of "2 out for every 1 in".

    8. Let sanctuary cities continue to shit all over federal law

    so yeah ... Trump ain't perfect ... but guess what ... Trump ain't Hillary either

    count your blessings to those of us wise enough to see the vision of what a Clinton presidency would have meant and had the BALLS to actually stand and vote against it ... oh ... and for being right about it all along

    so yeah .... i'd call this 100 days a MASSIVE and OVERWHELMING success of epic proportions compared to what might have been (and some so wrongly predicted)

    He can literally do NOTHING the next 3.5 or even 7.5 years and I will still be happy ... because it beats what we would have had under Hillary for even 1 term where she ... with a single supreme court justice pick alone ... would have literally re shaped the country and turned the tide with a leftist court in ways you don't seem to comprehend and understand. You also would have assuredly seen RBG retire and possibly another leftist judge (and maybe 2 more) ... all in her first term potentially ... cementing a liberal and progressive high court for likely the next 30+ years with what would amount to in all likelihood the newest FIVE or even SIX SC justices being RADICAL left wing zealots who HATE this country and DESPISE it's constitution. So 6 of the 9 justices lib shills ... and likely young. SIX OF NINE.

    Let that sink in .... and just think about the ramifications NOW and for the next century!!!

    WE won when HE won ... because SHE lost.

    It isn't that hard to understand."
  6. CD Boogie

    CD Boogie Well-Known Member

    written by a true moron
  7. TyWebb

    TyWebb Well-Known Member

    But he talks weird.
  8. doctorquant

    doctorquant Well-Known Member

    Her laugh is weirder.
  9. Michael_ Gee

    Michael_ Gee Well-Known Member

    Right wingers exult about the Supreme Court because it is their ideal of how the country should be run. A majority guaranteed to vote their way with no accountability whatsoever -- beyond the impact of the power of the votes of citizens. BTE's f0lks hate the idea of democracy. They hate their own country because of its pesky promises of freedom for all. It is beyond obvious that the end game of McConnell's power play in 2016 will be court-packing by the next Democratic President and Senate, followed by widespread rejection (from both sides) of Marbury v. Madison and the Court's authority.
  10. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

    Yup. I'm also following it in other venues, and that is exactly what I'm hearing. They are putting a good bipartisan face on things, Burr has not been anything like Nunes, but neither does he seem to be in any hurry. I am also reading that however nice and bipartisan Warner wants things to be that he is growing frustrated about the pace of the investigation. Some of that is the fact that the hearings are in the early stages yet, as they are gathering documents and breaking them down for facts and the timeline, which they need to question witnesses intelligently. That's dead legitimate. OTOH, there is no urgency about pressing forward on the Republican side, as you'd expect. I'm sure that some of that perception depends on which side you come at things from. Burr will say that he is being careful and detail oriented, which he should be... but also allows things to go forward at a measured pace. On the other hand, Sen. Wyden says, correctly, that the American people are getting all their information regarding this investigation from leaks and tweets. He is becoming vocal about the need to pick up the pace.

    Four part-time, non-lawyer staffers on a case this complex and involving so many documents and witnesses, however, seems to be telling.
  11. doctorquant

    doctorquant Well-Known Member

    Which is why your comparing the size of this staff to that of the Benghazi investigation (at its peak) is so ridiculous.
  12. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

    I would submit that the subversion of a U.S.Presidential election is a matter of more urgency.
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