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President Trump: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Nov 12, 2016.

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  1. FileNotFound

    FileNotFound Well-Known Member

    I'd like to call timeout here, because there a few things I still don't fully understand.

    1/What is it we think the Russians actually DID? Short of reaching into the ballot boxes to change votes, I'm not sure I can get all that outraged. Hillary Clinton lost that election, pure and simple, by being Hillary Clinton.

    2/Those of us who are appalled by a President Trump are really gonna hate having a President Pence. At this point, what's the harm of backing off all this impeachment talk and putting together a campaign that actually can win elections (both at the national and state level)?

    That's all I got. Carry on.
    SpeedTchr and QYFW like this.
  2. doctorquant

    doctorquant Well-Known Member

    National Review's Jonah Goldberg trying to weasel out from his foisting Trump on us ...
    SpeedTchr and QYFW like this.
  3. Michael_ Gee

    Michael_ Gee Well-Known Member

    What did the Russians do? What we know: 1. Steal emails from DNC and make public, with credulous media eager to present them as the Pentagon Papers II. 2. Flood social media with bots seeking to both advance Trump and create dissension between Clinton and Sanders supporters. 3. Steal emails from RNC, but not make them public. Blackmail? What we don't know. Extent to which Donald Trump has been financially supported by Russian interests controlled by Putin prior to his presidential campaign. And of course, what's in those RNC emails.
    Why bother investigating? Because if we don't know the facts and take counter-measures, they'll do it again. And since they have attempted to enter voter rolls, I don't think it's wise to think they're beyond trying to fix results.

    Why not back off impeachment talk? If the President is engaged in obstruction of justice, said President should be impeached. The Constitution and our system of checks and balances are supposed to be above party disputes. So Pence will suck (BTW, he's by no means out of the woods on Trump's legal issues). So what. An attempt to create a quasi-authoritarian model of the Presidency will have been quashed.
  4. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    1) A: The Russians participated in a wide ranging propaganda campaign to amplify, magnify and exponentially multiply Clintons flaws (which were not insubstantial) which pale to insignificance before the repulsiveness of Fucko. Who publicly encouraged and thus endorsed the foreign interference, even if he didn't take active part in it.

    B: Nobody even dares speak the possibility the Russians jiggered the election results themselves, because once that's on the table, the whole government is illegitimate. It would take months for a physical recount and even then the results would be disputed.

    But ..... the election did flip ... at the very last second .... contrary to all the statistical models ... by precisely the minimum margin needed .... and not a single vote more ... Almost Like Somebody Flipped A Switch .... to deliver the entire government to a despot.

    2): No reason for concern, except...

    Last edited: May 13, 2017
  5. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    1 A lot of it will be conflated by the different sides to try to turn into a binary thing as in, a) The Russians stole the election and subverted our democracy, or b) Nothing happened.

    It seems indisputable that the Russians tried to INFLUENCE the election. To what degree, and how? We probably don't know the full extent. I am with you. LOTS of entities try to influence our elections. We have done things to try to influence others' elections. You can't regulate that, other than when someone tries to spread misinformation, being able to effectively counter it. Now. ... all of that said, there is a completely separate issue. Did people who were associated with Donald Trump (or Trump himself) conspire with the Russians to try to spread misinformation in order to try to swing the election. That is a big if. We don't know yet. At this point, though, I think we should want that answered. Because if it is so, at the least, it should call into question Trump's honesty and his ability to lead the country. At worst, there are things that are illegal. ... if money changed hands. And then we are talking about something serious.

    2. I couldn't disagree with you more. This isn't some, "I don't like the direction Trump wants to lead the country in" thing. This gets at the heart of our democracy. Trump is a bullshit artist and a con man. Bad enough -- and to me it is more an indictment of our population, than him, that he could get elected. On top of it, though, as many populists do, he set up a "I alone can make your life perfect," proposition -- like he is a magician -- that tapped into how disaffected people were. What populists do then is paint anyone who challenges them as "the enemy." After all, HE ALONE represents the will of the people, so if you dare challenge him, you are against the people. That shit ends with a dictatorship if you are talking about Venezuela or Turkey. In the United States, it ends up with the president butting up against the checks and balances that we should all want limiting his powers. I disagree that we should all back off and just wait. What we should be doing is reminding ourselves about the freedoms and individual liberties that make our country special. Which means calling his bullshit for what it is, immediately, and not letting him erode -- even a just a little bit -- the limits on the presidency that are there for good reason. That means any abuse of power, any appearance of impropriety, any conflict of interest -- all the lines he would like to blur -- people should be pushing back hard. That is what he does -- it's the hallmark of a bullshit artist. There is no truth for someone like him. It's how he thinks he can credibly say something and then say the opposite less than 24 hours later and try to play it off as nothing. It's important that people don't allow that to become the norm. It's also not about the people -- Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump, or now Donald Trump vs. Mike Pence if Trump doesn't last. It's bigger than that.
    Jssst21, Hermes, Stoney and 13 others like this.
  6. doctorquant

    doctorquant Well-Known Member

    I don't care whether Trump and his associates are clean as the driven snow when it comes to Russia and the election, but that ship -- Trump's honesty/ability -- sailed long, long ago.
  7. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    You're anti-Comey now, huh?

    This is my shocked face.
  8. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

  9. Vombatus

    Vombatus Well-Known Member

    IIRC, I posited that the FBI would spring leaks and let a lot of HRC dirt out if the FBI didn't press the case forward to the DOJ.

    But what Comey did in July was damaging enough in my opinion. I didn't like what he did in several respects. He should have deep-sixed her campaign right then in July so the convention could somehow nominate Biden or maybe Kerry. But that whole statement to the press was such a ball of two-sided clusterfuck, it gave something for every voter to be unhappy about, including Comey.

    I didn't think Comey would last much beyond 21 JAN to be honest with you.

    I feel for him and the FBI. The 2016 election put the whole agency in a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation.
    QYFW likes this.
  10. cisforkoke

    cisforkoke Well-Known Member

    Shocker face?
  11. Michael_ Gee

    Michael_ Gee Well-Known Member

    Judged strictly by his own self-interest, Comey has made some bad moves. But saying he'll only testify in public is a good one. It puts the Republicans on the Senate Intelligence Committee on the spot. If they turn down his request, they look like part of a cover up, and he doesn't have to do anything but keep on leaking as he chooses. If they accept, he'll get to call Trump a liar on national TV, which ought to be good for a tweetstorm ragegasm or two from Trump in return.
  12. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

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