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President Trump: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Nov 12, 2016.

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  1. Cosmo

    Cosmo Well-Known Member

    Sorry, should have used blue font. Was mocking the random Capitalization in the Trump Twitter Feed.
    TigerVols likes this.
  2. Songbird

    Songbird Well-Known Member

    Yeah, his hunting buddy happened to get shot in the face on accident. Yep, accident.
  3. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    There's also Paul O'Neill, former Yankees and Reds outfielder, and Paul O'Neill, former Secretary of the Treasury.
  4. Songbird

    Songbird Well-Known Member

    There's also Gary Jeter, defensive tackle for the Rams/Giants and Derek Jeter, shortstop for the Yankees. People get 'em mixed up all the time.
  5. Hermes

    Hermes Well-Known Member

    "And here's what I think of the drawdown of QUANTITATIVE EASING!"

    Guy_Incognito and X-Hack like this.
  6. poindexter

    poindexter Well-Known Member

    Rather than read rando libtard twitter here, I like the text exchanges with Manafort's daughters. I like the one where a friend says that Trump is an asshole; daughter says Manafort has less morals than Trump.

    Paul Manafort's Daughter Texted Friends About How Tight Her Dad Was With Trump | HuffPost
    The texts have been lightly edited for grammar and clarity.

    March 17, 2016: The Manafort daughters claim Trump asked their father to run his campaign.
    Jessica Manafort: Guess who called Dad last night and asked him to run his convention.

    Andrea Manafort Shand: Mom told me he was going to call dad. She told me to get ready for Trump to be president and pick the position in the White House I want.

    JM: Dad gave him his list of requirements and so long as he can fulfill the list, Dad accepted.

    March 29: Even before he was announced as campaign chairman, her father’s role was much larger than the public knew, Manafort Shand claims.
    Friend: I’m not paying enough attention to really form an opinion. But yea I think economy makes sense, just hate what an asshole [Trump] is in the process.

    AMS: Well hopefully my dad will help scale that back. That’s part of the reason he was brought on. He is refusing payment. Bc he doesn’t want to be viewed as Trump’s employee. Only having his expenses covered. He is involved purely because he wants to help the country and he thinks trump is best, so long as trump gets trained a bit. PS this is all top secret, so please do not repeat.

    AMS: Dude he is second in command. Perhaps arguably running it. The campaign manager is all for show. [Corey Lewandowski] doesn’t do shit. Trump has been managing his own campaign

    April 7: Manafort Shand paints her father as a master manipulator who is a close ally of Trump’s.
    [After sending her friend a CNN article hinting at Manafort’s expanded role within the campaign.]

    Friend: Is Paul getting a bigger role?! Seems like it ...

    AMS: You’re surprised?? I told you this was the game. You think Paul does anything in moderation?

    Friend: And like, if Trump gets elected, guess who’s gonna be chief of staff ...

    AMS: Phffff. He would never accept.

    Friend: Too many skeletons in his closet?

    AMS: Too constrictive. Paul is a lone wolf. Has to go his own way. Do what he wants when he wants how he wants. He doesn’t have room for other people and their needs/wants.

    Friend: Yea that sounds about right

    AMS: He likes the challenge. That’s why he’s doing this. It’s a game for him. He isn’t being paid.

    Friend: Man I bet he’s loving it.

    AMS: This is pure sport. He is a power hungry egomaniac. Yes. He is loving it. Conclusively. Him and trump are perfect allies for this agenda. It’s so weird he is my dad.


    AMS: It’s just weird. Like [my dad] doesn’t seem that smart. Like he is smart. But I know I’m smarter than him.

    Friend: I don’t doubt that, he’s a master manipulator. Which seems pretty key.

    AMS: He is very manipulative. I did inherit that ability. But I don’t exploit it like he does. I know all his tactics. They aren’t that brilliant but they do work.

    Friend: But yes you’re right, you have a moral conscious [sic].

    AMS: Like he just tells you the sky is green over and over. And eventually you are like is it? I don’t possess the ability to just lie like he does.

    Friend: Yea he works his charm.

    AMS: It’s confidence. When you say something unwaveringly, people start to believe it.

    Friend: I mean yea that got Trump where he is today.

    AMS: Yup. Perfect allies. Trump probably has more morals than my dad. Which is really just saying something about my dad. My dad is a psycho!!! At least trump let his wives leave him. Plus, Trump has been a good father.

    AMS: Trump waited a little too long in my opinion, but I can attest to the fact that he has now hired one of the world’s greatest manipulators. I hope my dad pulls it off. Then I can sell my memoir with all his dirty secrets for a pretty penny.

    [Later, Manafort Shand talks to another friend about her feelings regarding the campaign.]

    AMS: He was brought on to be convention manager, but really it was always to run shit. And now that’s being publicly known. Or acknowledged I guess.


    JM: Dad and Trump are literally living in the same building and mom says they go up and down all day long hanging and plotting together

    April 12: Manafort Shand offers campaign-related favors from her father to a friend.
    AMS: By the way, if you want to exploit my dad to better your career, please let me know.

    Friend: Are you serious?

    AMS: Completely.

    Friend: I wouldn’t be opposed to exploiting him.

    AMS: I am on a business email basis with my dad.
    heyabbott likes this.
  7. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    Pardon? Go right ahead. No more 5th Amendment Straight to Grand Jury as witnesses. Contempt for refusing to testify, perjury for lying
  8. QYFW

    QYFW Well-Known Member

    So many answers here.
  9. HanSenSE

    HanSenSE Well-Known Member

    Spartan Squad likes this.
  10. HanSenSE

    HanSenSE Well-Known Member

    How did I forget Roger Craig, running back for the 49ers, and Roger Craig, manager of the Giants, both at Candlestick Park in the 1990s?
  11. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

  12. doctorquant

    doctorquant Well-Known Member

    If you're of a certain age, you'll recall when Alistair Cooke (KBE) had a documentary, America, episodes of which became fill-a-class fodder for junior high teachers of all stripes. When talking about Henry Clay, and the compromise (of 1850) he labored for, the writer/producer of that documentary would write (in its book version) of Clay's compromise as being "a solution that fair-minded men, if they had been in a majority, might have accepted with good grace." These "fair-minded men," in so compromising, would be bargaining over human beings (and their offspring for evermore) remaining as chattel.

    It is a good and glorious thing that so many of us are repulsed by the idea of that compromise being a lost opportunity. It is not a good and glorious thing, however, that we cannot discuss the failure to effect that compromise -- and the consequences of that failure -- in an informed and intelligent fashion.
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