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President Trump: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Nov 12, 2016.

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  1. Michael_ Gee

    Michael_ Gee Well-Known Member

    Who is Dana Gould? His fame is mild indeed in my brain.
  2. typefitter

    typefitter Well-Known Member

    9/11 was the fuse for so much of today's craziness, but Sandy Hook—which this tweet reminds me of—might have marked the moment when all hope was lost. Once the fate of children stopped mattering, that was the end of it.
  3. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

    I have seen a ton of Roy Moore ads here. I assumed it was because of where I live or the all knowing eye of Google watching what news stories I read.
    Inky_Wretch likes this.
  4. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

    Flynn was in the military for most of his life. Following the chain of command is as natural as breathing for him.

    Kushner's turn in the barrel.
  5. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    The Roy Moore thing is gross.

    But ...

    They aren't just selling out "for party." That can be a bit of a red herring. "Party" isn't just laundry, but ostensibly is representative of a set of principles that they want to see indoctrinated into law.

    As YF or QYFW (can't remember which) pointed out before the weekend: What if someone personally reprehensible ran against a pro-slavery candidate in 1855? Who would you have voted for?

    Now, where I get disgusted by partisan politics is when people try to pretend that their defense is anything other than that. Look, Mitch, et al., y'all think Roy Moore is disgusting. I know that. You know that. But you need his vote to pass laws that you want to pass, and you consider passage of said laws more important, ultimately, than whether a single Senator happens to be a heel. So say that instead of tying yourself into a pretzel defending child abuse or dismissing the reporting.
    HC likes this.
  6. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    Ken Starr says this sounds familiar.
    Deskgrunt50 likes this.
  7. DanielSimpsonDay

    DanielSimpsonDay Well-Known Member

    Gentlemen! BEHOLD! My infinitely more interesting hypothetical Twitter feed!
  8. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    This world will never know.

    Thank God for the multiverse.
  9. bigpern23

    bigpern23 Well-Known Member

    Of course his analysis is incorrect ... Flynn CONFESSED to a crime!
    Inky_Wretch likes this.
  10. MisterCreosote

    MisterCreosote Well-Known Member

    A reasonable person could argue that ending slavery was of such value to society that it outweighed individual acts of depravity among its supporters.

    The modern Republican party stands for nothing, period. And, certainly nothing as noble as ending slavery.

    They embraced Moore. That's their problem, not mine.
    SnarkShark, Deskgrunt50 and Slacker like this.
  11. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

    Every voter has their own view of things, their own priorities and moral center.

    I watched Big Luther Strange protect Robert Bentley and help him slime his way away from any substantial charges for spending hundreds of thousands of tax dollars on his lover. The Attorney General of the state committed obstruction of justice in exchange for being appointed to a Senate seat. It absolutely revolted me. I voted in the Republican primary for Roy Moore, because I thought that Strange was worse. I thought that Moore might be voted down and that if he won he'd be a giant pain in McConnells ass. That worked out better than I dared to hope. Even if he wins and I contributed my one vote (he won't be getting the one that counts next week) he'll be a huge albatross around the neck of the Republicans.

    So yes, I voted for a reprehensible - although if I knew when what I know now I'd have voted for Big Luther, as would most of the R's here. Distaste for Luther's slimy little game is what got Moore over the top to beat him, not a love of theocrats.
  12. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    LOL, Trump didn't fire Flynn for lying. He fired him because the media reported he'd done it.

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