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President Trump: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Nov 12, 2016.

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  1. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Or members of the extended family held on to the place for a time. You tried accusing her family of doing something shady, which you can't back up. If you had any integrity at all, you would at least admit as much.

    Homes can remain within a family while some members move away. My mother's family had a similar history with a home in Pittsburgh for three generations. There are many ways this could have worked in which she and her family did nothing wrong, but you are desperate to attack any Democrat for any little thing you can find because you think it somehow justifies the actions of President Trump.
  2. QYFW

    QYFW Well-Known Member

    Tommy Robinson was thrown in jail for speaking out against Muslim grooming gangs that rape young girls. So, by your logic, I guess we can say @tapintoamerica defends the rape of young girls. Maybe read up on a story every once in a while before posting the same oblivious nonsense. Unless you want to defend the rape of young girls.
  3. typefitter

    typefitter Well-Known Member

    He was thrown in jail for contempt of court and prejudicing an ongoing trial.
    Smallpotatoes likes this.
  4. QYFW

    QYFW Well-Known Member

    You seem to know the story. Who was on trial? For what?
  5. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

    Dragons Caught in the Crossfire: On the Genealogy of the Current and Future Mueller Investigation – emptywheel

    Marcy Wheeler.

    "It is my well-educated opinion that we’re seeing several things with recent developments. First, where possible, Mueller is handing off things (the Concord Management and GRU hack prosecutions) that don’t need to be politically protected. He has also handed off issues (the Cohen search) that don’t relate directly to conspiring with Russians, even while any prosecution there could result in cooperation on the conspiracy case; though note, Mueller’s reported investigation of inauguration funding would also implicate Cohen. I suspect, eventually, he’ll hand off things that amount to garden variety corruption, as distinct from graft tied directly to the election money laundering.

    But when reports say Mueller is preparing to wrap it up, I suspect the reality is Mueller is close to taking steps that will lay out a case for conspiracies with Russia involving people very close to Trump, which will make it much harder for Trump to refuse an interview without putting himself at risk to be indicted personally. Those steps will show what a farce six months of Trump-planted stories emphasizing a focus on obstruction have been. That prosecution Mueller’s team will see through, I imagine, not least because that’s precisely why he included four appellate specialists on his team, including Solicitor General star lawyer Michael Dreeben."
  6. typefitter

    typefitter Well-Known Member

    Members of a mosque for child molestation.
  7. Alma

    Alma Well-Known Member

    What the hell is Tapper doing here? Seriously. He goes from being a journalist in the first question to...what? A prosecutor? If Rand Paul wants to dig himself a hole of equivalency, let him. If he wants to make an excuse, let him. Just ask the question: How does what the United States did in Ukranian elections compare to what Russia did in the 2016 US elections? And let him answer.

    Tapper and his producers fuck up - I mean, most of them do, all the time, because it's not really an interview as much as a news commentary through questions - by immediately analyzing Paul's answer. Say nothing! Just ask questions. Paul - smarter than Tapper, smarter than most people - easily corrects himself (liberals will distrust it anyway), which, had a person with a reasonable IQ listened to the answer in real time, knew exactly what he was saying anyway.

    It's rare that I sit down to watch an interview that's really an interview anymore. It's extended theater, an annoying parry and thrust built on the Frost/Nixon structure, and we wonder why no one ever trusts anyone anymore. Interviews are largely set up as prosecutions.
  8. garrow

    garrow Well-Known Member


  9. Songbird

    Songbird Well-Known Member

    France, who?

    Impeach him.
  10. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    As usual, you act like all of this is unprecedented.

    Did Obama demand the extradition of the five Chinese military officers who were indicted in 2014, for hacking into the OPM database and stealing 22 million records?

    Did the media demand that Obama press Xi on this prior to his summit meeting with Xi? Were there calls to not hold the summit meeting as a result of the hack?

    And, why would you ask for something that would be turned down, anyhow? What’s the advantage to that?
  11. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    YF also thinks all baseball games should be declared final after the first inning.
    melock and Baron Scicluna like this.
  12. HanSenSE

    HanSenSE Well-Known Member

    But Croatia tried so hard (just because it's sportsjournalists.com).
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