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President Trump: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Nov 12, 2016.

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  1. qtlaw

    qtlaw Well-Known Member

    My point is make it matter. My fellow citizens, please do so.

    I told my kids, we live in CA, there's a firewall against these issues, but I care about our country, we should care.

    I finally realized that those setting the policies are my peers, I'm their age. The liberals need to address these false slogans head on, the GOP has co-opted the following issues:

    "We support the troops"
    "We are about family values"
    "We are the fiscal conservatives."

    Look at the facts, its not true, I urge the Liberals/Dems to say:

    "We support the troops just as much as the GOP, however more importantly, we don't cut their benefits when they come home, we support them MORE"
    "We support family values, in fact we provide more support for families than the GOP, we provide more food, more assistance, and help families, we don't separate them, we bring them together"
    "We have balanced the budget more than the GOP, we manage the WHOLE government, including the military expenditures, and spend LESS"
    "We do more for each of you, we don't take billions from your healthcare, MEDICARE, Social Security to give billions to big corporations and the top 0.1% wage earners."

    Instead, the liberal/dems get sidetracked, chasing their tails and all they come up with is shutting down the government over the "Dreamers" and the kids at the border (who are treated horribly). I support those two issues but you cannot sell that as the reason to halt government, people want more concrete issues to care about that affect their life.
    Slacker, garrow and lakefront like this.
  2. lakefront

    lakefront Well-Known Member

    Do we know who the translators are?

    Someone -will look for more info- said the server is on display next to the Watergate file cabinet. Funny, funny thing to hear. Looking for info...
  3. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    Trump’s 46% was the 4th lowest since 1900 by a winner.
    Wilson 1912 and he lost to Taft, Teddy Roosevelt and Eugene V Debbs.
    Nixon 1968 to Humphrey and Wallace
    Clinton in 1992 to sitting President Bush and Perot

    Trump’s win was the most impressive in terms of expected outcome and one of the least impressive in terms of %votes received
  4. Big Circus

    Big Circus Well-Known Member

    Are we sure it’s not Parkinson’s Syndrome? #alicallback #yfsgreatesthits
  5. lakefront

    lakefront Well-Known Member



    It really is funny, is this the one and only one that trumpers are always asking about? If so could someone please ell them where it is, and most importantly, why it isn't needed. Would love for a reporter to tell trump where it it, because the question is always where is it, not why can't we have it. Someone tell dingleberry where it is, please.
  6. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

  7. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    Excellent points,too many words.
    Dems to to reclaim Pro-Life.
    Pro-Healthcare is Pro-Life
    Pro-Environment is Pro-Life
    Fair Taxes are Pro-Life
    Fair Trade is Pro-Life
  8. HanSenSE

    HanSenSE Well-Known Member

  9. HanSenSE

    HanSenSE Well-Known Member

    Once upon a time, there was a party that did that. But it's now all about walls and coal miners.
  10. BitterYoungMatador2

    BitterYoungMatador2 Well-Known Member

    He can go screw himself too. I could argue that his unleashing of that dumb Shit Sarah Palin started this snowball down the mountain.
    OscarMadison likes this.
  11. HanSenSE

    HanSenSE Well-Known Member

    Hell, just wait until they see this:
  12. typefitter

    typefitter Well-Known Member

    I am a conflicted admirer of John McCain's. I appreciate how definitive he is here, until the last paragraph. He needed to say "impeachment" somewhere in there. If the first several paragraphs are true, then you shouldn't be willing to wait any longer for Trump to change.
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