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President Trump: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Nov 12, 2016.

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  1. HanSenSE

    HanSenSE Well-Known Member

    A partial d_b, but, never change, New York Daily News.

    lakefront likes this.
  2. QYFW

    QYFW Well-Known Member

    Yeah. Different world. Democrat was president. Russia wasn’t a threat, families wereen’t separated at the border, your head was in the sand, etc.
  3. Slacker

    Slacker Well-Known Member

  4. HanSenSE

    HanSenSE Well-Known Member

    qtlaw likes this.
  5. qtlaw

    qtlaw Well-Known Member

    Thank you America!! Keep it up!!!
  6. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    At lot of people need to realize there is no floor for Trump. Eventually when there are indictments of his idiot son and son-in-law, the reasoning will be: “Well we had to collude to beat the dirty Democrats who are the real enemies to the America that actually matters, and oh by the way, I absolutely did tell several of my mistresss get abortions but it’s ok they were black so who cares, also Reagan never won Wisconsin, you know. Republicans are at such a disadvantage when it comes to the electoral college so it was really a tremendous victory.”
    garrow and Donny in his element like this.
  7. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

  8. Shelbyville Manhattan

    Shelbyville Manhattan Well-Known Member

    Like your Dear Leader, you accuse me of that which you appear to be doing.

    tapintoamerica and lakefront like this.
  9. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    A lot changes in six years, doesn't it?

    We weren't too obsessed with Bin Lsden in 1995, were we?
  10. Webster

    Webster Well-Known Member

    So much of this comes from the fact that Trump refuses to prepare for anything and in fact takes it as a point of pride. So he has no idea about the nuances of any issues or the history between the US and any other party.
    Neutral Corner likes this.
  11. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    That is certainly a part of it. . . . but not all of it. I am not going to pretend to know why he is behaving the way he is. There are limited answers, and they include Putin having something on him at worst, and at best, his ego not being able to handle even a hint of his election being illegitimate to the point that he will sell out his country rather than acknowledge a reality he doesn't like. But I want know how much this goes beyond naivete or lack of preparation, and I think everyone else who cares about the country should. It's important as a country that we find out -- just the truth.

    Regardless, you are right in this sense. He was playing golf in Scotland the day before he embarked for that shit show. He is an absolute moron playing the role of the presidency like a bad reality TV show. Not even Real Housewives good. I am sure he thought this would play out the way he thought Singapore played out. He'd breeze in, meet with Putin, bullshit endlessly, come out and claim a great success and how he had done things no president before him was ever able to -- basically spiking the football before it has even been thrown, let alone caught. And if he says it, well, it MUST be true for everyone in the reality he creates for himself.

    Now put that into perspective. Not even the most naive, narcissistic, biggest idiot on the planet would possibly think they can do that with Vladimir Putin. But that is our president. And Putin just stood there and let it happen. It actually didn't require any genius or Vulcan mind meld on the part of Putin, which makes it even more remarkable. But good on Trump. He got a round of golf in and he got to wear a crappy baseball cap that said USA on it, for full douche effect.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2018
  12. melock

    melock Well-Known Member

    The best deals!
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