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President Trump: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Nov 12, 2016.

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  1. MisterCreosote

    MisterCreosote Well-Known Member

    Hey, when you get back to HQ, can you please pass along that just a little bit of reading up on digital forensics would make everyone realize how stupid they sound floating the conspiracy theory that Mueller can’t know the DNC “server” was hacked because the FBI never “examined” it?

  2. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

    Baron Scicluna likes this.
  3. Slacker

    Slacker Well-Known Member

    Obama gives Trump sharp rebuke in Mandela address on values

    JOHANNESBURG — Former U.S. President Barack Obama on Tuesday took aim at “strongman politics” in his highest-profile speech since leaving office, urging people around the world to respect human rights and other values now under threat in an impassioned address marking the 100th anniversary of anti-apartheid leader Nelson Mandela’s birth.

    While not mentioning his successor, President Donald Trump, by name, Obama’s speech in South Africa countered many of Trump’s policies, rallying people to keep alive the ideas that Mandela worked for including democracy, diversity and tolerance.

    Obama opened by calling today’s times “strange and uncertain,” adding that “each day’s news cycle is bringing more head-spinning and disturbing headlines.” These days “we see much of the world threatening to return to a more dangerous, more brutal, way of doing business,” he said.

    He targeted politicians pushing “politics of fear, resentment, retrenchment,” saying they are on the move “at a pace unimaginable just a few years ago.”

    He attacked “strongman politics,” saying that “those in power seek to undermine every institution ... that gives democracy meaning.”

    Obama added: “I am not being alarmist, I am simply stating the facts. Look around.” He also spoke up for equality in all forms, saying that “I would have thought we had figured that out by now.”

  4. poindexter

    poindexter Well-Known Member

    Losing my shit? There are people who have to live the rest of their lives with colostomy bags. Nice response.
    Iron_chet, Fred siegle, Cosmo and 7 others like this.
  5. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

  6. DanielSimpsonDay

    DanielSimpsonDay Well-Known Member

  7. Jake from State Farm

    Jake from State Farm Well-Known Member

    7B662CB7-8DEC-4F3A-90BA-EB8622BF9C4C.jpeg Among Butina’s buddies is wacko sheriff David Clarke
  8. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    Trump has made Russia more dangerous today than they were in 2012.
    He has ceded US hegemony in the MiddleEast by virtue of allowing, for the 1st time, official Russian military presence and bases in Syria. From Syria Russia can better Armand supply its terrorist groups. They can reinforce the Syrian regime. They can now make it easier for Iran to go nuclear. They will need it to deter Russia from encroachment. Russia can now better team with ISIS to destabilize middle east oil production. This will make Russian natural resources more valuable.
    Trump has made Russia more of a threat by shitting all over NATO, collectively and individual European Nations.
    The EU will have to cut trade deals with Russia and allow Russian banking interests to expand into the EU,making money laundering, worldwide, easier for kleptocracies, despotic regimes, terrorist groups and drug dealer.

    Trump has allowed Russia to exert influence over the world to an extent unseen since the the early 1960’s.
    And due to trump’s unmitigated ignorance and psychosis the US and Western Democracies are in a weaker position now than at any time since Germany invaded Poland.

    In 18 months, trump gave back the Cold War victory and has made Russian appeasement de facto US Policy.
    Slacker likes this.
  9. Slacker

    Slacker Well-Known Member

    I did LOL out loud at this one. Sort of a short, barking laugh, so apologies to all the Tourette's sufferers.
  10. poindexter

    poindexter Well-Known Member

    I know of people who have had their vocal cords severed, and would love to swear like Tourette's sufferers. Nice response.
  11. Patchen

    Patchen Well-Known Member

    I'm a Republican appalled at the give-up by people in this party.
    Trump throws IC and DOJ under the bus to praise Putin: "What else can he do? or "But what about what Romney said?"

    Gun violence: "There's no solution. We have to live with this."

    What about these responses is a good look for the United States?
    Inky_Wretch likes this.
  12. Alma

    Alma Well-Known Member

    Hell, I'll go down the rabbit hole on it. Fine with me.

    If this is Pearl Harbor, then you tell me how net neutrality is ever remotely a good idea. You tell me why we shouldn't throttle the shit out of the Web, dissuade it as a means of getting information and lean hard on social media sites to clean up their act.

    See, there's "I'm going to turn this matter up to fucking 11 because it helps me to impugn Trump" and "fuck you if you want to take away one millimeter of my freedom to do whatever I want on the Internet in the pursuit of a larger American safety."

    People pitched a total fit at some of the airport changes that took place. Imagine if it affected something as ingrained as daily, instant Internet use.

    I think there's a desire to take this seriously as it relates to impugning Trump. I do not think people would appreciate the real cost of fighting this thing full-bore.

    You want a safer cyberspace? It's no different than guns. You restrict ease of access. Cool liberal millennials all cringe at once. So what. The Internet is their gun, and they cling to it, and it has done an incalculable amount of damage in many lives over the last 25 years, and they don't care, because they want their freedom.

    So when I read this piece, honestly, I was reminded of that Nic Cage line in Leaving Las Vegas: "Killing myself is a way of drinking."

    Comparing the Russia election hacks to Pearl Harbor is a way of criticizing Trump. It's not actually a serious call to action. A serious call involves sacrifices and solutions most people don't want to consider.
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