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President Trump: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Nov 12, 2016.

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  1. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    People will die!!!1!!1!
  2. BitterYoungMatador2

    BitterYoungMatador2 Well-Known Member

  3. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

    That's much like the Republican party's prejudice against black people. I remember when rumors were spread about John McCain's half black love baby.
  4. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Actually, I just left out a word. My apologies. I was careless in my response to your foolishness.

    Also, I never said they don't believe abortion is wrong. I said they don't believe it is murder. Once again, you've decided to dive into an argument you don't understand. The sad part is I've explained it repeatedly, so it seems you aren't even trying and you just want to start crap with me or you are the dummy YF is always talking about.

    Claiming that abortion is murder is dishonest, hyperbolic rhetoric. That's why YankeeFan likes it so much. He has used failed analogy after failed analogy to attempt to justify his stalwart defense of dishonesty, but you chose his side, apparently in part because you don't even understand the discussion. Please enjoy being on the side of dishonesty.
  5. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    I'm not framing it that way, once again proving that you are full of shit.
  6. TigerVols

    TigerVols Well-Known Member

    Speaking of slow to embrace...why are your fellow Republicans so slow to embrace blacks and Muslims?

  7. garrow

    garrow Well-Known Member

  8. HanSenSE

    HanSenSE Well-Known Member

    Maybe this is why Trump is getting so excited.

  9. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

    I generally stay away from commenting on abortion. I've never been on a message board where it wasn't a "tar baby topic" - anyone who got involved in it got stuck, tarred, attacked, and the damn argument never ends.

    That said, for many years the polls have said that more than half of the public wants to see Roe continue. Abortion numbers overall are down. Anti-abortion crusaders will say that is because of the changes in the laws they have gotten passed. They have indeed made it difficult to get abortions in some places. That depends entirely on where the person is. Newer contraception techniques are also a big factor in that decrease.

    My biggest problem is that so many of the anti-abortion activists are also religiously oriented and opposed to sex education and contraception. There are many more reliable forms of contraception now, far better than condoms, diaphragms, or even the pill. IUDs and contraceptive implants are fire and forget - you can't forget to take them. They are there and working 24/7. Combine that with the morning after pill and the result is a reduction in early term abortions.

    Most late term abortions are related to either problems with the fetus being identified by testing or the mother having medical problems of her own.

    Statistics say that women who are already mothers who feel that they can't afford to have another child form a significant percentage of those seeking abortions.

    Christian and Republican abortion opponents are likely to to reconsider their stance if their daughter turns up pregnant with a half black baby.
    Baron Scicluna likes this.
  10. TheSportsPredictor

    TheSportsPredictor Well-Known Member

    These people vote.
  11. jr/shotglass

    jr/shotglass Well-Known Member

    No. Seriously. You need to take a break. You're embarrassing yourself.
    typefitter likes this.
  12. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Maybe I missed it, but I don't think QYFY or any of the other anti-abortion posters here have ever offered up a good answer to the issue you raised in the paragraph in bold. If abortion is such a horror, why aren't they promoting sex education and the use of contraception, two things that make unwanted pregnancy less common, which in turn will make abortion less common?

    That gets back to the simple truth that much of the anti-abortion movement is about either taking women's control of their own bodies away from them and/or pushing their faith on others. I know the arguments. Teaching young people to use protection encourages them to have sex, as if teenagers need more motivation. Teaching abstinence-only doesn't work with most people. Maybe it works for some who are deeply religious, but we need policies in this country that work for everybody. Telling some kid that G-d doesn't want us to have sex outside of marriage will not work if the kid doesn't believe in G-d. Also, we've seen it fail with people who do have a strong faith.

    I believe some of the extremists would consider a morning-after pill to be a form of abortion, but condoms, the pill and other forms of contraception are not.

    So let's hear it, folks. QYFY, you really should chime in on this one. If abortion is such a horror, why aren't its opponents promoting the use of contraceptives to reduce the number of abortions?
    Just the facts ma am likes this.
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