How many of you guys own a hat other than a baseball cap? Fedora, porkpie, homburg, etc., and wear it to work?
(hand in air) But I also own LOTS of baseball caps. I'm bald. When I do my daily walk, the sun crushes my head. So I sweat through them quickly.
Minimal. I'll go with a stocking cap in the winter when it's under 20 F and a golf cap only when actually golfing or at the shore.
Winter: stocking cap informally, crushed Borsalino fedora when dressing up. 2 3/4" brim, black. I've had a closet full of baseball caps since I was about 5, but wear them now less and less.
Big reporting day. Gonna wear the dark grey medium weight Hickey Freeman, I think, and the oxblood wingtips.
Working tonight at the Golden Gloves. Charcoal Brooks Brothers; oxblood shell cordovan wingtips; white oxford shirt; rep tie.
I caught a lot of grief at the last college basketball game I covered this year. I paired a somewhat colorful button-down with a blue sport coat and kind mustard-y yellow jeans. It was the pants that caught everyone's attention. But they were just jeans. Most times, I would have worn traditional blue denim, but the mustard pair were what was clean that day.
I'm sure you looked great. And given our eating habits, mustard yellow pants should be mandatory for sports writers in every press box everywhere.