funny, i had the opposite thing happen to me at my current place in corporate comms. Went in for the second interview and one of the guys I met with had a button down on but no tie. first day of work, they take me to the weekly press call at the HQ and all the woman are dressed to the nines and every guy has a suit and tie on -- except me, just a button down. Seems I caught that guy feeling casual that one day and no one told me what the specific dress code was, though of course I quickly learned.
Are vests in again? I dig vests. Also, I'm 61 so I can wear a cardigan whenever I want. One plus to getting old.
In another 9 years you'll be able to wear a cardigan with a suit, just like Peter Falk in The Princess Bride.
They are definitely in for Chicago bartenders, I can attest to that. This was early last October and carrying a hard buzz I ended up buying "Ulysses" at a used bookstore next to the steakhouse we dined at. I've read one page so far and our anniversary rolls around again this Sunday. I figure our 715th anniversary can be a dual anniversary-finish "Ulysses" celebration. Good thing I bought "Infinite Jest" last week, as well. The 1738th anniversary is the David Foster Wallace Anniversary, I hear.
I was in Chicago years ago for Big Ten media days and we went to a steakhouse that used to be a fire station. I believe it was called Firehouse? Maybe not? But I've wanted to go back ever since. I did not wear a vest. But I did wear a tie. Bought a suit many years ago and the guy selling said vests were passe. Then I believe we had a period where contrasting vests became popular? Wouldn't wear one to a pressbox, though, to stay on topic.
I will never forget the times in Utah when the girl from the Provo Daily Herald would show up to HS games in full BYU regalia, including sweats....
Ironically reopened this year after ... wait for it ... a fire caused it to close down for two years. Chicago Firehouse To Reopen on Friday, Two Years After The Fire
He and I have an interesting dynamic. He's super-competitive toward me, and I meanwhile don't feel that way toward him at all. He's a better cook than me, probably double our household income, snazzier dresser, pulled more 9s and 10s in the day, can bench press a goddamn truck, all-conference golfer in high school, handy around the house. I'm good at reading books.